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Sean's POV

Me and Mom made a few trips into the house with baby things. We got two of every thing.
We carried bags and bags of clothes and diapers.
"Mark! Do you wanna help set up the nursery?" I called to him from behind the bathroom door.
"Sure!" I could hear the excitement in his voice as I went to the spare room.
Mom had to go to work, so it was me and Mark. And the twins.
Mark suddenly rushed in behind me.
"Come on!" He went to one of the big boxes filled with baby furniture.
"Hold on!" I stayed next to his side.
The tape was a pain to get off, so I took out my knife and ripped it open.
"Geez. Remind me to never fuck with you." Mark said with a smirk on his face.
"To late." I raised my eyebrows at him. He blushed and looked down. So I grabbed his chin gently and pulled his face towards mine, kissing him.
A moment later when I leaned back, Mark's face was a deep red.
"Aww! Your so cute!"
"Shut up." He began to take out the long pieces of wood that would be the bedposts.

2 hours later all the furniture was set up. Me and Mark were tired so we decided to take a break then start in the decor. He was better at that than me.
We went to the living room and plopped down on the couch with a sigh.
Mark suddenly let out a gasp, scaring me.
"Are you ok?!" I shouted startlingly.
"Yes I'm fine. Someone kicked me." He tapped his bump.
"We'll need to think of same names." I turned so my body was facing him.
"I want names that are similar. Like Carson and Chloe."
"What about Shelby and Shelly?" I suggested.
"Or... Shelby and Shelia."
"That sounds better. So Shelby and Shelia. What about middle names?"
"Shelby Kaye and Shelia Rey." Mark said with hesitation.
"Ya. I like it." I decided. "We should get back to work."
"Ya. Let's go." I helped Mark up and we went to the nursery.

Another hour later the babies room was complete.
Shelby had a blue matress with stars on it, and Shelia had a yellow mattress with suns and clouds on it. But they each still had identical clothes.
"Looks good." Mark said as we stood back and admired out work.
"Yep. I'm exhausted." I trudged out of the room.
Me and Mark plopped on the bed, each falling asleep as our heads hit the pillow...

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