.3. (rewritten)

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Eirin walks next to her brother, glancing at the area around the two as they walk across campus to the dorms with Takashima. She didn't need to fully pay attention to where she was going, Eijun has her hand in his like always and leads her on carefully.

After awhile, she doesn't even notice his hand leave hers until Takashima's voice calls out to her.

"Sawamura-chan, come on I will be taking you to your personal dorm."

Eirin looks up at the older woman and nods, fixing the strap of her duffle bag on her shoulder before following the older woman to her dorm. As they walk, Eirin falls into a slight daze. Takashima glances down at the young girl, who is in a daze. The older female calls out to her once again, but this time a little louder. Eirin slips out of her daze, looking up at the older woman who gives her a gentle smile.

"Since we Weill be spending a lot of time together during the next three years or until you are hopefully healed, don't be afraid to call me Rei nee-san or anything you are comfortable with. Okay?"

The young girl nods. "Then please call me Eirin or Rin."

"Alright. Are you perhaps frightened of the actual doctor appointments or what the possible outcome could be?"

Eirin stays quiet, trying to find the right words as the two females walk down the open hallway to the stairs. She finally nods her head after a while of silence as they walk up to the second floor. "I'm...I'm afraid of both honestly. I still have the pins in my arm and shoulder, and at one point in time I had actual stitches on my muscles. It if doesn't heal at all and properly, the pins will be kept in my bones until they do heal correctly. No matter how long it would take. It's uncomfortable already to lift my arm, I can't really raise it over my head because of the pins in my shoulder. I can barely lift the weights that I need to do for my physical therapy and rehab, much less throw. How would it be when I actually play?"

Rei nods, listening carefully to the girl and mentally taking notes. This has to be the most she has heard from the girl since she met her. "So you do want to play?"

Eirin takes a long, deep breath before nodding. "Of course I do, baseball is pretty much my whole life. It's the one thing that makes me really happy, besides my family of course. I-I felt like I was going to die, I couldn't breathe when they told me I possibly might not be able to ever play again. Even if I can't pitch again, I want to play. I just want to be able to play."

Rei then stops walking as she gets in front of a door, confused. She looks over at the door and notices her name on a plaque to the left side of it. A small smile grows on her face as she continues to stare at the door, reaching for the knob.

"Eirin, you still seem scared. I trust these doctors and physical trainers are going to heal you and help you get back to playing again. Does any of this fear come from how you got the injury?"

Eirin's smile drops from her face as she stops with her hand on top of the doorknob, her hair covering her eyes. Her body slowly starts to almost violently shake after a while of silence, shocking Rei. Eirin herself, does not think she is fully ready to say what had actually happen to her that day. Once people know, they will be mad at her for keeping it to herself. She is definitely afraid of the ones who did this to her, they might hear that she told and might come back to finish the job. But it's not like they actually said that or maybe they did. She can't really remember much from that day, what she does remember still haunts her and gives her nightmares. But it will probably happen soon. Maybe it was time to let it all out.

I-I...uh...I-I wo-would li-like to...uhm...get some re-rest...be-before to-tomorrow...Ex-excuse mm-me."

Rei watches as the young girl's shaky hands unlock and open her door. "Eirin, meet me on the field at seven tomorrow morning. The coach wants to meet you before we head to you first appointment with the main doctors. Your key will be in your desk drawer." The young girl quickly nods before rushing into the room with her things and gently slams the door behind her. Rei frowns at the door before walking off, she needs to report what just happened to the coach.

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