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Your P.O.V.


You thought with a tired face.

Looking over next to you was (B/f/n) dozing off to the sound of silence...

You wanted to sleep... but something was keeping you awake. Always having the distinct thought that someone would rob you in your sleep.

Airplane thoughts...

I've been on an airplane before, but this time I feel nauseous... going to a new school mid-year is a huge change.

Due to some turbulence the plane shook.


Having to look over at (B/f/n) to see if she was okay. She was awake.

"Are you okay...?"

"Just some turbulence... I'm fine..."

She gestures her head towards the window, signaling to me that we're almost in Japan...

There go those butterflies again.

Resting my head on my hand, I tried to close my eyes to hide the revealing thought...

What if I don't like it in Japan?

Not being able to hide the thought, I opened my eyes and realized we were landing.



Finally, that whole stressful flight was over. But. We're here now... we have a house, my parents already arranged that.


We have school tomorrow.

I couldn't bare the thought of coming here alone. Thank god (B/f/n) would always be there for me.

I hugged her with no warning, in the middle of the airport.

"Thanks..." My voice was monotone, but you could tell I had feeling.

"Whatever Stud, don't mention it..."

She replied with a chuckle. I did to. I was happy.


Thankfully, I would be living with (B/f/n), so we could talk about whatever.

We finally got to our house. It was up a long flight of stairs but our house was split in the middle, right across from another house.

Hopefully we have nice neighbors.

My thought was blank. But maybe they were nice. They might even bring over cookies for a "Welcome to the neighborhood" gift.

I pulled house keys out of my pocket and handed (B/f/n) one. So we would both have a key.

She let me do the honors to open the door. And boy, was it a sight.

I've always admired the way people made houses in Japan. And now we have one of our own.

I happily pranced around the house and gazed at the slide doors.

"So, are they at all like the houses in them Japanese anime's that we like to watch, so much?" She chuckles.

"It's perfect..."

-My Best Friend- | {A Sousuke Yamazaki X Reader} |Where stories live. Discover now