Chapter Seven-- The Pass of Caradhras

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Happy Easter Update!!!! God bless you!


   "No," my brother said, "absolutely not." 

   I stared at him, before Aragorn released me; murmuring an apology that sounded a tinge exasperated. I winced as I wiped away the blood from my neck. "But why ever not?" I questioned, "if I have followed you this far without being detected; shouldn't that say something about my ardent personality? Surely, that could be seen as a more than substantial initiation." The one named Legolas seemed to twitch with silent laughter, and I saw the hobbits smiling encouragingly. Only Boromir's face seemed furious. 

   "This quest is dangerous, Athelas," he said with a slight frustration in his voice, "I am not going to stand by and watch you get hurt." 

   "A touching sentiment, brother," I touch his arm softly, looking up at him with wide doe eyes to appease his anger, "but I would not come here if I did not know how to defend myself." I pointedly shoulder my bow and quiver of arrows. 

   "And what about your marriage?" Boromir seeked to find another loophole, "what would your betrothed think?" 

   I shrugged. "It doesn't matter at this point, does it?" 

  Boromir opens his mouth furiously, but Gandalf intervenes with his staff; his crinkled eyes twinkling at me. "Be at ease, Lord Boromir," he said in a wise voice while winking at me, "Lady Athelas did provide plenty of good reasons why she should be part of this fellowship. Besides, sending her back might make her run into more danger than when she is with us. And if I am not mistaken, aren't you the one who fended off the Nazgûl with a torch and survived a Morgul blade to the shoulder, milady?" 

  "Yes," I said, smirking, as I saw Boromir defeated, "and there is no need to be formal-- Athelas would do." 

  "Very well, Athelas--" Gandalf gave me a knowing smile as he said, "I suppose you are the tenth member of this company." 

  The others greet me, exchanging firm handshakes and smiles, but I go over to Aragorn, who looks up at me. "A certain Elvish lady bade me to give you this--" I said, as I gently withdrew the Evenstar and placed it into his outstretched palm. A foreign emotion fills Aragorn's eyes, but he blinks it away as he clasps it around his neck, the pendant resting over his heart. 

  "Hannon le," he thanked me, as I feel a sudden tightening in my chest as he smiles for what seems like the first time. 

   But I simply nod and make my way towards a stony faced Boromir, and slung my arm over his shoulder. "Pray don't be so cold, brother, after all, this should be considered as a wonderful brother and sister outing." 

  The only contradiction in that statement was the looming mountain range of Caradhras in front of us. 

  I smiled broadly at my new companions. "Shall we?" 


Even my boundless optimism is conquered by the ice and snow. Caradhras was an unrelenting mountain range glossed in glittering ice; the latter dampening my resolve as the cold poured into the toes of my boots. I shivered as I attempted to cross a snow dune, only to have my feet sink into it like quicksand. To imagine that I once loved playing in the snow when I was a child was nothing short of impossible. The elf, Legolas, seemed to have quite an easy time; his feet not even making an imprint in the snow. But I could tell from the small smile on his face that he was slowing down for us on purpose. Stupid smug princeling. 

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