The arrival

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Yui pov
My name is Yui Komori. I am 17 years old. I lived in a church only because my father is a priest. Unfortunately today I have to go to a household that is my fathers relatives. My father said that he has to go to Europe for some business.

"Yui listen I have to go to Europe for some business. You'll be living with my relatives until i come back." father said.

"When are you coming back father?" I asked him.

"I don't know but I'll come back I promise." father said as he pat my head with a smile.

Flashback ends

I was inside of a cab looking oustide of the window, I was wearing off the shoulders pink shirt with two black ribbons on the front, brown shorts, brown boots, my flower pin, and a heart necklace. I'm actually nervous, I don't know if they might even like me. I just hope it turns out to the way I want it to be. I mean what could go wrong?

The cab soon had stop which means i had arrived. The driver got out of the car to take out my luggage, I then grabbed my bag, and got out of the cab. The driver gave me my luggage, and I gave him money.

"You know it's strange for a girl like you to come all the out here and live in this place." the driver said.

"Yeah, but my father wanted me to live here while he's in business." I explained.

"I see, well good luck." he said before getting inside the cab and drove off leaving me.

I was standing outside the gates of the mansion. The mansion looked huge and through the gates I could see a rose garden, and I could see a water fountain. I took a deep breath and sighed. Well it's time for me to meet them. I mean nothing bad could happen to me right?

I pushed the gates open taking my luggage and my bag with me. I walked through the rose garden, the roses that they have here really looks beautiful. I finally made my way towards the two big doors. I took one last breath before knocking on the door, but when I knocked the doors just opened. I went inside the mansion looking around to see if there was anybody here. Unfortunately, I saw a boy look like my age with red hair, and looks like wearing a school uniform. He was sleeping on the couch, so i decide to wake him up.

"Um excuse me." I said I tapped his hand, but when I touched him his hands were cold as ice.

"You're cold, are you alright?" I asked him. I checked his heartbeat, but he doesn't have a pulse.

"Oh no! I should can an ambulance! " I said worried. I took out my pink phone from my bag, before i could've dial the number a hand snatched it away from me. I look to see it was actually the red hair guy.

Ayato pov
I snatched the girl's phone away, only because I don't want her to call an ambulance, because they'll know I'm a vampire.

"Damn you're noisey!" I said irritated.

I sat up and open my eyes only to see a beautiful girl in front of me. She had platinum blonde hair, orbit pink eyes, skin like snow, wearing a flower clip on her hair, a off the shoulder pink shirt, brown shorts, and brown boots. Her blood smells delicious, and her aroma smells like strawberries. I snapped out of it and I see the girl look at me with her shocked eyes.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked her in a angry tone.

"Y-you're alive?" she asked.

"Of course I am, seriously who do think I am?" asked her.

"B-but y-your heart it wasn't beating." she said.

I grabbed her arm only to pin her down on the couch.

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