First day of night school

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Yui pov
I woke up only to see I was in room full of pink. I wasn't in my clothes that I was wearing yesterday I'm actually in a nightgown.

The last thing I could remember is six vampires were chasing me, I went to a strange room, and found my fathers diary. I could feel myself being in tears right now.

No I won't cry I need to be strong and brave. I just need to show them that I'm not afraid. Besides if i show them my fear then they would want more of my blood. No matter what I will be strong.

"Fufu~ I see little bitch is awake."
I knew whose voice is that it is Laitos.

I look up to see him smirking at me. I know he would start to do pervert things to me since I know now that he's the only pervert vampire who would like to have fun. I'm going to show him that I'm not going to be afraid of him or his brothers.

"Good morning Laito." I said with a smile.

"Hey little bitch I'm so thirsty. Let's have some fun together shall we?" he said crawling towards me.

Before he could come any more closer I jumped off the bed, but when I jump out I accidentally bump into something, or someone. I turned around to see Reiji behind me with a blank expression. He pushed his glasses up with his middle finger.

"I'm sorry Reiji I didn't see you there." I apologized.

He just looked at me then at Laito.

"Laito go wake up your brothers. We don't want to be late." Reiji said to Laito.

Just then Laito was gone, Reiji looked at me. He then gave me a school uniform.

"Hurry and dress up for school."
Reiji suggested.

"We're going to school in the middle of the night?" I asked him.

Maybe that was a stupid question to ask him. They are vampires they could only go out on the night.

"We intend to night school we can't leave you here, or else you'll try to escape." Reiji explained.

With a blink of an eye he was gone. I hate it when they do that disappear and pop up out of nowhere.

I sighed and got myself ready to go to night school. I just hope night school turns out the way I want it to.

I was dressed and ready. I grabbed my bag and put a few things in there that I would need like a pencil, notebooks, binder, and some line and graph paper.

Right when I was heading out the door I saw my cross on the table. I took it and put it in my pocket.

"God give me strength."

I went downstairs to see all the brothers waiting for me.

"Now everyone go to the limo." Reiji announced.

We all went to the limo. I was the last one to get inside. I never been in a limo before it looked pretty big. I guess the brothers are rich. I sat next to Ayato,Laito, and Kanato.

When we were heading our way to school. I could see everyone is minding their own business.

"I wonder why they're all quite, they don't seem to talk that much. They're all brothers' they're so different. " I thought to myself.

We finally arrived to school. Again I was the last one to get out. When I saw the school my jaw dropped. The school look so big.

We later went inside. Reiji told me I have classes with Ayato and Kanato. I can't believe I have classes with them. The maniac vampire who was a teddy bear with him, and the vampire who calls himself yours truly.

The teacher allowed me to introduce myself to the classroom.

"Hi my name is Yui Komori." I introduced myself with a smile.

"You could sit next to Ayato and Kanato. " the teacher said.

Great now my day has gone worst. I'm sitting next to them at least the pervert vampire isn't here, but seriously they could pull some tricks on me.

I just took my seat without saying anything. I took out my notebook and my pencil. We started to take notes. I didn't pay attention to the sadist vampires I payed attention to the teacher.

Ayato pov
I didn't pay attention to the teacher I just had my head down I never really learn anything from this school. I look to see Pancake, she looks so focused I guess she likes to study. I remember that woman would always force me to study even though I didn't wanted to. She will always tell me I have to be the best of all my brothers.

But Pancake I can't take my eyes off of her. She is so different, maybe special.

I shooked my head. "What am I even thinking?" I thought to myself.

I just took my nap and didn't care about anything else.

Yui pov
Finally class was over. I grabbed my belongings and walked to my next class. When I was walking towards my next class. I saw Ayato leaning against the wall he looked at me with a grin.

"Hey Pancake let's have some fun." Ayato said.

"Umm but we got to get to class. " I said.

"Who gives a damn. Now come with me." Ayato said.

He grabbed my wrist and we went to the janitors closet. It was kinda dark inside. I hear that Ayato lock the door.

"Umm Ayato did you lock the door?" I asked him.

"I'm thirsty give me a taste of your blood." He said.

To be continued...

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