Subaru's time with Yui

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Yui pov
I'm at the rose garden, picking out some red roses. I love the smell of roses it's so relaxing.

I could feel someone behind me. I turned around, and the one who is standing before me, is Subaru.

"Hello Subaru." I said.

"Hi Yui." Subaru said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much really, I just wanted to see how are you doing." Subaru said.

"I'm doing fine." I said.

"That's good, what are you going to do with those roses?" Subaru asked.

"I was going to put them in a vase." I said.

"You want to go eat lunch?" Subaru asked.

"Sure." I said with a smile.

Once taking the roses inside, and putting them in a vase. Subaru and I went to Ramen place.

Subaru ordered two special ramens. When our ramens came we started to eat. The ramen tasted so good, I kept stuffing my face. Subaru luaghed at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You're really hungry, your stuffing your face like you haven't ate in months." Subaru said.

"It's just that this ramen tastes so good." I said.

After eating ramen, we took a walk. Subaru t and I hold holds. While we were walking I could see Subaru smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"It's just that I'm happy that I'm spending time with you." Subaru said.

"Well I'm glad you're happy." I said with a smile.

"Hey! Aren't you that Sakamaki rich kid?!" Someone behind us asked.

We turn around to see three men. They look like gangsters.

"Hey! Sakamaki rich kid! Let us have your girlfriend!" the leader said.

"She won't be going anywhere with you assholes." Subaru said.

"Huh?!? What did you say you brat!?!" the second man said.

"She is my girlfriend she belongs to me and only me." Subaru said.

"Hey kid give us the girl or we're going to have to beat your ass." the third man said.

"She stays with me, besides she wouldn't want to be with a bunch of douchebags." Subaru said.

"You bastard!" the leader took out a knife.

Subaru had me to the side, the man tried to stab or cut Subaru, but Suabru was too fast, he kept dodging his attacks.

The second man tackled him, Subaru struggled to break free, but the third man hold him down.

"Now so tough ain't you kid." said the leader as he held the knife at Subaru's head.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I yelled. I ran to the leader trying to get him off of Subaru.

However the leader did get off of Subaru, but his knife stab my leg. I fell holding my leg, and groan pain.

"YUI!" Subaru yelled.

Subaru broke free from the mens grasp. Subaru punched the men hard. He came to me, carried my bridal style, and teleported back to the mansion.

We were in my room, he layed me on my bed. Subaru went to the drawer and took out a first aid kit.

"I'm gonna have to take out the knife." Subaru said.

I just nodded in response. He took out the knife, I groaned in pain, it hurt a lot.

The wound looked deep. Subaru took out a needle and thread. He started stitching the wound. I kept on holding in my pain. After Subaru finished stitching, he put a band-aid over it.

"Does it hurt?" Subaru asked.

"A little, but I'm fine." I said.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault you're hurt." Subaru said.

"It's okay, you stood up for me, you did the right thing." I said.

"I promise I will protect you, because I love you." Subaru said.

Subaru kissed me, but I kissed him back. After kissing fpr a while, he hugged me, it feels so warm in his arms. I smiled, I wish we could stay like this.

To be continued...

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