The Awakening part 1

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Yui pov
I can't get the thought off about me and Subaru yesterday. He is really kind, and he is different from all the brothers. I couldn't help but blush. I am standing on the balcony letting the breeze hit me. I still have the rose that Subaru gave me, I held it close to my chest, and smiled. I also have the silver knife, I still can't believe Subaru asked me to stab him with it if he asked me to.

I got a little distracted from my thoughts. I looked down to see a man with a black coak, and I can't see his face, but he's looking up at me.


It came from the man. I got confused for what he call me. That name is the triplets mother, so why he call me that? I guess he must have mistaken. I blink and to see the man wasn't there anymore. I suddenly felt arms wrapped around my waist.


I turned my head to see the man is the one who is hugging me. I tried to get out of his grip, but he is too strong.

"Please let me go! I'm not Cordelia!" I yelled.

He took me to the forest, and he finally let go of me. He removed his cloak he has green hair, red eyes, and he's wearing black clothes. I feel like I seen this man before.

 I feel like I seen this man before

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"Miss Yui, my name is Richter. I am the brothers uncle." he introduced himself.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

"I known you since you were a baby. I implanted you my beloved's heart into your body." Richter explained.

"Do you know my father? And does he involve with your family or any of the sacrificial brides?" I asked.

"Your father doesn't involve with any of us or the sacrificial brides." Richter explained.

I felt relieved after hearing that. So he didn't sent me here as a sacrifice.

"There is one thing you need to know miss Yui. My nephews drank your blood which means they will battle for you and make you as thier own. There will be bloodshed, all of them have fallen for you." Richter explained.

I can't believe it, I don't know if he's lying or telling my the truth, that the brothers have actually fallen for me. And the fact they will fight over me.

"What shall I do?" I asked.

Normal pov

In the Sakamaki mansion

Ayato was looking for Yui everywhere. He even tried asking his brothers, but all of them didn't know where Yui was. So they decided to help out.

"Where is she?" Ayato asked hismself.

Yui pov

In the forest

"The answer will come to you." Richter said.

I now felt pain in my heart, the same pain. It hurts so much, I could see Richter has an evil grin. There was now wind blowing.

"Come to me my beloved Cordelia." Richter said.

I could feel slipping away, like I can't take control over my own body, I can't move.

Normal pov

Richter teleported Yui to a hidden room. In the room was Cordelia's blood stained dress, and a lot of blood is on the floor. Yui still couldn't move her own body

"This dress belongs to you." Richter said.

Yui stepped into the bloody floor, reaching her hand out to the stained rose that's pinned on the dress,and touched. In Yui's mind is dark, Cordelia reached out towards Yui. Cordelia is now controlling over Yui's body and mind.

Normal pov

In the Sakamaki mansion

All the brothers were getting worried about Yui. They couldn't find her anyway. They all realized they had fallen in love for Yui. All of a sudden they could feel Cordelia's scent. All of them were shocked and worried.

"YUI!" all the brothers shouted.

In the hidden room

Cordelia turned around and faced Richter with an evil grin

"It's been a long time Richter."

To be continued...

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