Chapter 2: Nurse Juvia reporting for duty![EDITED]

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3rd Person POV
Gray felt groggy as he stirred from his slumber. He cracked one eye open and was immediately blinded by a bright light.
He groaned loudly and put his arms in front of his face to block the light out.

"Guys he's awake." Natsu said.
"Oh thank god!" Lucy exclaimed.
"He's very lucky. He could've gotten killed." Erza added. "And you too Lucy! Why are you getting out of bed?!" Erza scolded.
"Ah, sorry." Lucy squeaked.

Gray groaned again at the noise and fully opened his eyes, adjusting to his surroundings.
He saw Natsu on his left with Happy flying above him. He was sitting on a stool.
To the right of Gray next to a small window was Erza, who was standing.
And finally Lucy was climbing out of the bed next to Gray, bandages around her stomach and head.

Gray sat up with his elbows and yawned, squinting because of the harsh light.
"Took him long enough" Happy said sarcastically.
Gray growled and swatted at him.
"Shut up Happy." Gray retorted as he rubbed his head.

Lucy came over slowly and sat down on the other stool next to Gray's bed. She winced in pain but put her hand on Gray's forehead to test his temperature.
Gray heard a low growl from Natsu that obviously meant he didn't like the fact that Gray was so close to Lucy, but she either didn't hear it or ignored it.

"Well your fever has gone down, so that's good." Lucy said and stood up straight again. She wobbled a bit and, at about the speed of light, Natsu was next to Lucy; holding her up and helping her to her bed.

"What happened?" Gray asked, rubbing his forehead and ignoring the obvious rom-com that was playing out next to him.

"Well, you got hit pretty bad by that Monster we were fighting. You blacked out and broke your leg." Erza explained.

Gray winced and looked at his legs to see that there was a big black boot on his right leg. He groaned again and flopped his head back into his pillow.

"Oh! He's awake! That's good!" Someone else said.
Gray grunted and propped back up and saw Wendy and Mira in the infirmary doorway.
'So I'm in the infirmary huh? Probably should have put that together sooner' Gray thought to himself.

"Yeah, I'm up" Gray said in a strained voice. This made Mira clasp her hands together and smile.
"Ok then! That's great news! The bad news is that because of your leg you're gonna need to stay in the infirmary for the night. But tomorrow when you are allowed to go home you will need an assistant. But lucky someone volunteered to work in the infirmary with Wendy just a few hours ago while your were asleep. So she will be your assistant." Mira explained.

"Wait, why not just have Wendy do it?" Gray asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, Sorry Gray but Wendy is Lucy's aid." Mira said, her tone sounded like a person trying to fake being upset.

Gray shrugged and the rest of the team nodded. Before Mira left she said that Gray's assistant would be here tonight.

After she left, Gray talked with his team until night time, and eventually he was left alone to wait for his assistant.


Gray had been playing with his ice make magic for a while, just creating things and then melting them and then re-making them. He had been doing this for about an hour when he finally heard the door to infirmary open.

He sighed, finally ready to have some human contact. Because apparently Lucy was allowed to go home right away, but she couldn't leave her bed until Wendy said so.
'That's such bullshit man, I want to go home.' Gray groaned in his head.

He heard someone dropped a pair of keys and took off a coat, hanging it on a coat rack in the room next to this one. That room was the office area where all the medicine and records were kept and Gray was in the area with the beds and shit.

Bored, Gray turned over to his side and kept playing with his magic.

He heard the person start humming a soft tune. He furrowed his eyebrows and then started to create a rain drop with ice.
If you asked him why he chose a rain drop, he'd tell you he had no idea. What he did know though, was that it reminded him of Juvia.

Gray smiled as he remembered the day Juvia joined fairy tail.

"GRAY-SAMA LOOK!!" Juvia yelled in excitement and showed Gray her new guild mark, a dark blue one on her outer thigh.
"Nice." Gray said in a proud tone.

Juvia giggled and hugged Gray, taking him by surprise.
"Thank you for bringing Juvia here." Juvia whispered into Gray's ear.

He smiled at that.

"My pleasure." Gray whispered back.
Flashback end

Gray smiled, almost dreamily, and was annoyed as he was unfortunately cast out of his day dream when he heard a loud gasp.

He turned over to face his assistant, but he heard himself choke as his eyes widened at the sight.

It was Juvia.

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