Chapter 5: Going home[EDITED]

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Juvia's POV
Juvia handed Gray-sama his medicine and a bottle of water. She took a seat next to him and watched carefully as he threw the medicine back into his throat and then took a gulp of water.

Once Juvia saw the Gray-sama had taken his medicine without any problems she relaxed herself.
"Gray-sama can go home today" Juvia said, not looking away from Gray-sama.

Gray-sama looked over at Juvia and made eye contact with her. He nodded his head, maintaining eye contact as he did.

"You're with coming right?" He asked.
Juvai nodded back.

Juvia sighed and stood up, dusting off her skirt before taking Gray-sama's hand and helping him get up and get dressed, though Juvia should have know that Gray-sama would have ended up stripping the shirt.

Once Gray-sama was ready, Juvia began to walk him out of the infirmary. Juvia walked him over to the bar where Mira-san was waiting with his breakfast.
Juvia helped Gray-sama sit up on a bar stool and then cleared her throat as he began to dig in.

"Gray-sama, Juvia is going to go talk with her minna." Juvia said.
Gray-sama looked up from his breakfast and nodded at Juvia. Gray-sama then turned back to his food and continued eating, and Juvia walked away towards where Erza-san sat across the guild.


3rd Person POV
Gray took a sip of his water as Mira took his empty plate, giggling a little at him. Confused, Gray raised a brow at her but she just smiled and walked away with his dirty plate.

Gray felt someone sit next to him and he looked to up and to the left to see Natsu next to him.
"Yo Elsa, how ya feelin?" Natsu asked, his chin in his hand as he waited for Mira to return.
"I'm alright flamebrain. How's Lucy?" Gray asked, turning his stool to face Natsu.
"She's alright. But she keeps trying to get up and walk around which Wendy said she wasn't allowed to do. So Happy and I have to babysit her to make sure she doesn't exert herself too much." Natsu complained.
Gray laughed lightly, leaning his elbow on the counter of the bar.
"That sure sounds like Lucy." Gray joked, looking to Natsu.
Natsu rolled his eyes and nodded.

Mira returned and Natsu ordered a strawberry milkshake to go. Mira nodded at him and went back into the kitchen to make it.
Natsu turned back to Gray.
"What about you? Has it been awkward with Juvia?" Natsu asked.

Gray cringed, his shoulders tensing up slightly. "It's been odd. She hasn't been super clingy or creepy at all. But she still calls me Gray-sama." Gray explained.

Mira returned with Natsu's shake and he thanked her. Natsu stood up from his seat and dusted off his pants, looking back down at Gray and shrugging.

"That's good then." Natsu said.
"Good?" Gray asked, a slight hint of aggravation lacing his words.
"Well yeah, isn't that what you wanted?" Natsu asked. He looked Gray in the eyes and Gray saw that they were void of any strong emotions.
Gray went to speak, but Natsu cut him off. "Well I'll see ya popsicle! Gotta get this shake to Lucy or she'll kill me!" Natsu said loudly, flashing a childlike smile at Gray before striding off towards the front of the guild.

Gray started off at him, his eyebrow raised. Confusion was written clearly across Gray's face, but he quickly shrugged it off and turned back to his drink.

He took another sip, looking down at the ice cubes that bobbed up and down in the crystal blue water. He frowned, one simple phrase echoing through his head.

'Isn't that what you wanted?'


Juvia's POV
"Erza-san, Juvia doesn't know if she can do this." Juvia whined as she ran up to Erza-san's table. Erza-san was sitting alone and eating a piece of strawberry cheesecake.

"Huh? What do you mean Juvia?" Erza-san asked.
Juvia sat down in the booth next to Erza-san and exhaled a large breath, her body deflating.

"Juvia doesn't think she can take care of Gray-sama. Juvia thinks it's bad for her heart." Juvia explained, putting her head down.

"Juvia look at me." Erza-san said in a soft voice.
Juvia looked up at Erza-san and made eye contact with her, her chest filling up with happiness as she saw the caring look in Erza-san's pretty brown eyes.
"Hm?" Juvia hummed, sitting up a little.

"I know that I can't just tell you to not care, because that's not how your heart works. That's not how anybody's heart works. But Juvia, Gray broke your heart. As much as I like Gray as a friend and guildmate, it angers me to see how he's hurt you. And I'll be honest, I don't know what his feelings towards you are. I genuinely wish I did, but I don't." Erza-san rambled, many emotions flashing through her eyes like lightning. "But Juvia, if you quit and decided you couldn't take care of Gray, I know that would hurt both of you. As far as I know Gray sees you as a dear friend, and I'm sure you still want to be close to him. He did bring FairyTail into your life after all." Erza-san continued, her hands flying everywhere.

"Anyway, what I'm saying is that quitting won't do anyone any good. And it might even help you to get over him. You're strong Juvia, I'm sure you can handle a simple man like Gray." Erza-san finished.

Juvia felt a tear drip from her eye, and she covered her mouth with her hands. Erza-san smiled down at Juvia and rubbed her head, admiration shining in her eyes.

Juvia felt a burst of happiness in her chest and she smiled, sniffling and wiping her tears.
"Thank you Erza-san!" Juvia exclaimed happily, wrapping her arms Erza-san's neck and squeezing her tight.
Erza-san laughed and hugged Juvia back, her smile big.

After a moment, Juvia let go of Erza-san.
Erza-san looked over Juvia's shoulder and then back at Juvia, smiling softly.
"Gray looks about ready to go home Juvia, I think you should go over now." Erza-san said.

Juvia stopped smiling and looked behind her, seeing Gray-sama fidget slightly in his chair. Juvia turned back to Erza-san and nodding, taking a deep breath.
"Erza-san's right. Well, Juvia will be off now." Juvia said, standing from her chair.

Juvia looked back at Erza-san one more time. Erza-san gave Juvia a thumbs up and motioned for Juvia to get going with her eyes.
Juvia nodded again, turning and beginning to walk towards the bar.


Juvia's POV
As Juvia walked up to Gray-sama, she noticed that he was falling asleep sitting up. Juvia giggled silently at Gray-sama feeling like she was walking on water.

"Hello Gray-sama, are you ready to go home now?" Juvia asked, her tone more loving than she would have liked.

Gray-sama blinked and sat up, looking around before his eyes made their way up to Juvia's.
Gray-sama stared for a moment, Juvia watching as realization dawned on Gray-sama's face.

Juvia giggled lightly again, her hand gravitating up to cover her mouth.
"Ah, yeah. I'm really tired." Gray-sama said.
"Juvia can tell." She replied with a small laugh. At this, Gray-sama let a small groan escape his lips and he rolled his eyes in embarrassment. Juvia smiled, grabbing Gray-sama's calloused hand. She helped him get down and then she looked at him with a smile as he steadied himself.
"Ready?" Juvia asked, and Gray-sama nodded.

As the two began to walk, Juvia looked in the corner of her eye and saw Erza-san and Mira-san conversing, both looking at Gray-sama and Juvia.

Juvia just shrugged and smiled to herself.
'Juvia's got this!'

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