Chapter 3: A not-so-unhappy reunion[EDITED]

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Juvia's POV
Juvia and Gray-sama stared at each other.
Gray-sama looked completely shocked and Juvia was absolutely furious!!!

Mira-san and her stupid ships!! Juvia told them she got over Gray-sama and that he DOESN'T LIKE HER!!! But then Mira-san goes ahead and does this anyway!!
Oh Juvia is going to kill that she-devil!!

Juvia was snapped out of her rage when she heard a cough.
Juvia looked back over at Gray-sama and she felt sorry flood her veins.
He looked really bad. He had a big black boot on his right leg and his hair was sticking to his forehead. He was coughing a lot right now.
'Maybe he has a fever?' Juvia thought.

As much as Juvia was angry, she couldn't stand to watch her friend suffer.
Juvia walked to this sink in the infirmary and grabbed a cup of water, filled it with sink water, then walked over to Gray-sama's bedside.

Juvia sat down on a stool next to his bed and placed the cup on the night table next to the bed. Juvia then helped Gray-sama sit up and propped his pillows so he was comfortable.

Juvia grabbed the water cup and handed it to Gray-sama. He took it gingerly and slowly drank all of it.
He made a small gasp for breath after and Juvia put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

Gray-sama placed the cup down on the night table and then looked back to Juvia, and then something unexpected happened.
Gray-sama smiled at Juvia.

A smile Juvia rarely ever saw. He smiled and Juvia froze. She didn't know what to do. She doesn't know how to react to this. Obviously Gray-sama knows Juvia is done chasing him, so isn't this awkward for him as well? Or is Juvia the only one hung up on this?

"Thanks Juvia."
His soft voice brought Juvia out of her thoughts.
Juvia blinked, then smiled back at him as a content mood settled in her chest.

"Don't thank Juvia. Now, let's get Gray-sama some medicine and then get him to bed!" Juvia exclaimed and clasped her hands together before standing up and looking for his medicine.


Juvia finally got Gray-sama his medicine and Juvia also got him some food when his stomach started growling.

Juvia helped Gray-sama lay back down and pulled his blanket over him. Juvia was about to walk away when she felt a hand clasp around her wrist.
Juvia looked down and saw Gray-sama looking up at her with shocked and wide eyes.

"Hm? Does Gray-sama need something?" Juvia asked, smiling at him.
Gray-sama's face flushed and he looked away, scrunching up his nose.
"S-stay? please?" He asked, almost like he was questioning himself.

Juvia felt herself go bright red and she stared down at Gray-sama.
"W-what?" Juvia stuttered, wriggling from embarrassment.

Gray-sama groaned silently and he closed his eyes, his cheeks getting redder.
"Please? I know you heard me." He asked again and Juvia heard the desperation in Gray-sama's voice.
Juvia stared for a minute but nodded slowly, swallowing the lump in her throat.

Gray-sama blinked at Juvia for a moment but then let go of her wrist and and lifted the blanket up. Gray-sama scotched over and left Juvia room in the bed.

Juvia slowly got in the bed, tension rising in her body as she felt Gray-sama's cold, shirtless chest behind her.
Gray-sama suddenly layed the blanket down again and then there was silence.

"Uh, night Juvia" Gray-sama said, his tone one that Juvia couldn't place.

Juvia gulped and closed her eyes, opening her mouth to speak.
"Goodnight Gray-sama." Juvia said.

There was silence again and Juvia let out a sigh. She was was about to close her eyes when an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to Gray-sama.
Juvia's back hit Gray-sama's chest with a soft bump and he hummed in Juvia's ear, nuzzling his nose into Juvia's hair.

Juvia laid frozen as Gray-sama held her close, feeling tense.

Juvia only felt the tension release from her body when she heard Gray-sama begin to snore softly, his warm breath tickling her neck.
'This is not helping Juvia get over Gray-sama is it?' Juvia thought, her face scrunched up in annoyance.

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