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Happy Easter everyone!  Hehe how are you all?  (You know just for once could someone answer that question?  Lol)  Now I told you all in my last chapter that I would update around Easter so here it is!  Today is Easter in Australia and to help celebrate it I wanted to wish you all a great day!

The Easter Bunny was very kind to me last night and left me a basket full of easter eggs, chocolate bunnies and chocolate carrots!  My parents, uncle and I have all been sharing some other chocolate goodies from a little shop not too far from where I live called Bruno's Truffles where they make all their own chocolate and as I have told some of you personally they are absolutely AMAZING!!!

Surprisingly enough though I haven't been all out gorging myself on all of these sweet items today.  Shocking I know lol, but I just haven't really wanted to eat so much and make myself sick like I usually do, and I don't think it's just because of how rich some of the chocolate is.  I don't exactly know why I'm not feeling the need to eat so much, but something tells me that horribly enough I might actually be starting to become.....responsible!  EW!

Haha nah it's probably a good thing, but if any of you tell anyone I said that I'll deny it XD

Anyway, I don't know if any of you know this, but I'm actually a pretty religious person.  I believe in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  I also believe that Jesus died while nailed to a cross on Good Friday then rose again from his burial tomb on Easter Sunday in order to free us from our sin.  I'm not going to say that everyone should believe the same thing that I do, but I just wanted to let you guys know a little about my beliefs surrounding this particular day.  So I pray that all of you have a save and happy Easter.

Well I guess that's all for now, have a great day guys and I'll see ya round!

May the Force be With You!

~ Lexa

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