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The entire school was excited for the football game the next day. The football players were all wearing their jerseys to raise awareness for the game that night, which everyone knew about regardless. Most of them probably had nothing better to do anyway. 

Despite all the excitement for the game, only the football players, the cheerleaders and a few volunteers stayed after school to help set up the field and the concession. Elena and I were part of the group that wasn't forced to stay, and Bonnie was continuously sending us glancing from across the field for help; Caroline had scheduled another cheer leading practice before the game.

"So how did yesterday go?" I asked Elena about the dinner with Bonnie and Stefan.

Elena sighed, and I automatically knew something was up. "Well, it started off well. Stefan was totally great, and Bonnie was totally warming up to him. But then Caroline and Damon crashed."

"Oh no," I made a face. "Why would she do that?"

"Oh, come on," Elena rolled her eyes at me, "We both know that Care is just jealous that I got Stefan and she didn't. She just wants to try and shove Damon in my face."

"Don't be bitter," I nudged her. "She'll get over it. She'll probably get tired of Damon really quickly too."

"I hope so," Elena sighed. "He's such a jerk."

The two of us were asked to do little jobs here and there to help with the game, and for our help we got a free burger for supper from the concession. The two of us enjoyed it in peace until Bonnie fell to the ground beside me and took the last quarter of my burger from my hand.

"Hey!" I watched as she nearly stuffed the whole thing into her mouth.

"What?" She looked at me innocently with my mouth full. "I'm hungry, and I can't go home for supper without missing part of the game."

"It's called buying your own," I muttered, glaring at her harshly for a moment before backing off. I couldn't blame her for stealing my food after practicing for an hour and a half. "How was practice?"

"Caroline has lost control," Bonnie shrugged, "but you already knew that." 

"I swear that's only because of Damon," Elena muttered. "She was a total ass to me at practice yesterday too."

"She'll get over it," Bonnie gave Elena a sorry smile, totally aware of why Care was acting the way she was. "Anyway, how was the volunteer work?"

"The same as it always is," I shrugged.

The three of us sat on the grass until night started to fall and Bonnie had to rejoin the cheer leaders for the rally. Elena and I stayed back until it started before pushing our way to the front, where Stefan was easily seen.

"Now let's be honest here," Coach started off the rally. "In the past we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us!"

The crowd of teenagers boo'ed around him, and I rolled my eyes at the theatrics of it all.

"But that is about to change," Coach continued on. "We've got some great new talent starting tonight on offense, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these. Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!"

The crowd cheered loudly for the newest player on the football team, and I watched as Stefan half-heartedly accepted all the attention with a small smile, waving to the crowd. 

Someone leaving from the front of the crowd caught my eye, and I saw Tyler push through the boys in a hurry. I didn't pay too much attention to him, but when I saw Stefan turn back slightly, I knew that something was up.

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