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If you've been following what i've been writing then you've seen how much I talk about my friends. My life hasn't been important to me in a long time. I always wanted to be able to live comfortably and be able to be there for my friends because they are all that matter to me. I've always wanted a family in a small local house and marry the girl I love, have two beautiful kids, and have a good steady job with all my friends still being my friends. I found the girl i want that to be. Anything is up to luck and hope I'm good enough for her. Even though I know she deserves the best in this world. I know that I can never give her all that she deserves and it leaves me wondering should I just let her go to find her happiness else where? None of these dreams mean anything without her and I feel selfish wanting to hold on but even though she's the only one for me the choice isn't mine to make. Its her choice and I'm in no rush for I got awhile yet before this body expires and a lifetime ahead of me. Even though  I will take no other even if it turns out she loves another I will still wish her the best in all her hopes and dream and hope she finds the man she deserves all while looking out for her. 

Thank you guys for reading my stuff. Don't forget to write in the comments about your dreams, goals, dream guys or girls, if you've dreamt it i'd love to hear about it. 

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