XII: Alphys

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200 So, I came back to this place called "Hotland."

I drifted into a big laboratory.

I saw myself, on the big screen! I saw rusty metals everywhere.

Surprisingly, a dinosaur woman appeared and went to me.

201 "H-hey! It's the h-human, heh. Sorry I-I haven't showered..."

"A-And I'm barely dressed...it's all messy..." She said.

"Ummm...H-h-hiya! I'm Dr. Alphys. I'm ASGORE's royal scientist!"

The dinosaur seemed to be pretty shy. But looking smart as hell!

202 "That camera in the bushes? I settled that for my experiments.

I was watching you everywhere. But I realized that you were going well!

I saw how you made friends with Papyrus and Undyne!

You are really a human with a big heart!" She said.

203 "So, long ago, I made a robot. I named him Mettaton,

popularly known as MTT. He was first built as an entertainment star.

But sooner, he eventually had anti-human combat features added.

He ended up into becoming an entertainment robot." She said.

204 Not any longer. The laboratory shook tremendously.

A loud, disturbing metallic noise surprised us.

The noise was getting louder and louder.

The room went on a dead blackout.

205 There was dead silence. But there were screeching noises.

A bright spotlight flashed to the prime star, Mettaton.

A rectangular machine hosted the show,

of course, welcoming the human guest.

206 "Welcome, beauties! It's time for another episode!

Ladies, and gentlemen, let us welcome our guest for this show!"

Mechanical whirrs filled up the room. The spotlight shone upon me.

Cameras came out of the ceiling and focused on me.

207 "Don't worry, darling. The rules are simple.

Answer correctly..." He said.

I tried to keep my cool in front of everyone, grinning.

"...or you'll DIE!"

208 "Question number one, what is the prize for answering correctly?"

In front of me are four rectangular buttons.

These are the choices for the questions.

Behind Mettaton is Alphys, doing hand-gestures.

209 Alphys is making a "D" in her clumsy hands.

At first, I didn't believe her.

But she was telling me something, voiceless:

"Go human! Press the fourth button before the timer dies!"

210 Hesitatingly, I pressed the fourth button.

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