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***A/N: ok guys, so cool_chick2505 said I should continue writing this book, so I will***

•••CORY's POV•••

After Sam almost killed me, we decided to go to StarBucks.

"Ugh, I forgot my wallet" I said as we started penny-boarding to Starbucks.

"I'll pay for you" Trevor said. He was too kind.

"Thank ya" i said before falling, which caught the attention of Sam, who helped me back up.

I noticed Connor switched our boards-since I had an Arizona Tea penny boards, and he just has a red-pink one.

"Uh, Con? Why don't I get MY board" I asked causing him to do a pout face, but I kept strong, and didn't let him get it.

"Give ma the board" I kept telling Connor.

"FINE" he said and gave me it.

These boys.....

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