The First day in school

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~~~Esperanza's POV ~~~

Today was the day I thought to my self a new school. I have to admit I was nervous but I usually made a couple of friends let's hope today I have a good day. As I walked to school I saw someone a tall blonde boy who had green emeralds for eyes he was like a Greek god . "Huh maybe he can be my friends orr ....nahh " I though to myself as he looked at me as if I was homeless I wonder if he thought I was ? I mean I like to think I dress nice but my fashion taste is a tacky quilt " I knew I should've listened to my mom about shopping ! Darn it too late " For a shy girl I do talk Alot maybe I should stop I think to myself as I get stared down by everyone within a 20 feet radius .

Well here it is Lupita peralta school of arts highschool . It's so fancy with all white marble floor ! This is so cool ,ha and I made it suckers! I thought enthusiastically but all the other students could see is a joker sized grin . "Ah you must be Esperanza " Said a tall yet young looking woman with brown hair and nerd sized glasses . "Um Y-Yeah H-hehe T-that's me " I said so shyly I literally stuttered the entire sentence . I internally face palm myself . " Well we're happy to have you here I'm Lupita peralta principle of the school" she says with a grin.

"Jennifer"! She yelled and in a blink of an eye there's a ginger haired , short girl with a huge smile " Yes principle peralta " ."I want you to show Esperanza here "She points to me and continues "the way to all her classes and maybe tour her around the campus " 'Principle Peralta' said with a grin. Wow these people sure like smiling but I like it just alittle creepy that's all I thought to myself.

"Sure thing Ms.P" I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something pull on my arm " Oh Yeah the tour " I remembered myself.And We walked around for what seemed like hours at a time until........ "Mr.lowe would you like to explain why you're late " asked a teacher in the hall way and then that's when I saw a tall Guy with brown swept to the side curly hair and a " MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE" I shouted from across the hall and They just stared and I saw him chuckle alittle and that's when I felt as red as a tomato . I had to open my mouth I thought to myself angrily although it was for a good reason I mean come on the Guy has a My Chemical Romance shirt ! "I'm sorry " I said embarrassed as heck. " Oh you must be Esperanza " Said a teacher with combed over gray hair. " Yes , Nice to me you Mr......?"

"Langston" He said with a handshake and a warm smile.


I was finally leaving school feeling pretty good about the first day other than the fact that I made no friends and managed to spill my entire lunch tray on my self and to my 'Oh so Great luck' it was Mashed potatoes and well screamed across the hall like a crazed woman . Boy today was Greeaaaattt . Did ya catch the sarcasm ?

Anywho , as I was walking down the street to my house I caught a glimpse of him the Guy with the My Chemical Romance shirt and I won't lie he was quite the looker .

But I just kept walking and walking for what was supposed to be a 10-15 minutes walk and felt like Years ...! And that's when I noticed the Guy was following me ! I've been here for a day and I already have a stalker ...Well this is the first I thought to myself or atleast I thought I did "excuse me "? Asked a husky voice from behind me "Huh"? I made a confused noise " Sorry I thought you had said something " He said with an apologetic look " No sorry about that " I said sheepishly

and then he turned and relief was sent throughout my body because he wasn't stalking me he was walking home ! Until I noticed my house was right next to his ....

A//N : Did you guys like this ? I feel like it's missing something

If you think it is then comment your suggestions if you have any

Thanks for reading ! (:

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