Tainted Silver- Why?

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Disinterred Immolator stands in front of Sophia's cell. It yells at some kelzacks to open it. After they open it, they walk inside and chains the unconscious silver ranger to the wall. It turns around and walks out.

"Come and get me once our guest wakes up. She is the key to Lothor's latest plan," It says.

It heads to the command bridge. Meanwhile the rangers are at Ninja Ops. The rangers watch Sasha pace the floor. They know that she feels incredibly guilty about what happened to Sophia. "I can't believe that I was three inches away from Sophia. All I did was watch Disinterred Immolator take her away," Sasha says.

Dustin walks with over to Sasha. He places his hand on her shoulder. Sasha stops pacing and looks over at him. She sees a gentle and comforting look in Dustin's eyes.

"I promise you that we'll bring Sophia back. Then we'll give that freak a ninja butt trashing for what it has done to Sophia," Dustin says. He gives her a small smile. They walk over to the team.

"I'm going to sneak on Lothor's ship and bring Sophia back," Hunter says.

"That's not a good idea Hunter. We are going to need him if the monster comes back," Cam says.

"He has a point there bro," Blake says

"I know Blake. We can't leave her with Lothor," Hunter argues.

"You can rescue my sister after we defeat Disinterred Immolator," Sasha says.

"Why does Lothor want to turn Sophia evil? Considering that it didn't work when he tried it on you Sasha," Tori asks.

"Because Lothor must have found out that there are even stronger powers that Sophia doesn't even know about," Sasha answers.

The rangers gasp in shock.

Back on Lothor's ship Disinterred Immolator walks into the room. It stands in front of Lothor. He has a satisfied grin on his face. Disinterred Immolator glances over its shoulder and sees a bunch of kelzacks restraining Sensei Edward. It looks back over at Lothor.

"Sir, I have captured the silver lightning ranger. She is 'hanging out and taking a nap' in her cell," Disinterred Immolator says.

"Good work, my fiendish friend." Lothor says.

Sensei Edward knows that the monster meant that his niece is unconscious and is chained up in her cell. He tries again to break free. This time he manages to get his right arm free. He uses his right hand to untie the gag over his mouth.

"Lothor, your plan won't work. I know that Sophia will never help you," Edward says.

"Well Edward that's what you said about the gold ranger. She drained the silver rangers powers," Lothor says.

"True, but she broke free from your spell. I know that Sophia won't give into your spell she'll fight it," Edward says.

"I highly doubt that. Now kelzacks take him away," Lothor says.

Sensei Edward tries to fight back. He continued to tell Lothor that his plan won't work. Lothor nods. Disinterested Immolator fires its laser. The blast hits sensei Edward. He loses consciousness a few seconds later. The kelzacks take the unconscious man to Sophia's cell.

"Disinterested Immolator, I want you to keep the other rangers busy. I'll get to work on turning the silver ranger against her friends," Lothor says.

Disinterested Immolator nods. It leaves the ship immediately. Back in the cell, Sophia hears a thump as Sensei Edward's unconscious body hits the floor. She tried to open her eyes but doesn't want to see the state her grandfather is in. The kelzacks lock the door again. They head back to the command bridge.

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