The Battle for Hunter begins

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Hunter convinced Sophia to let him show her around a light brown chocolate lab puppy runs up to them. It knocks Sophia to the ground.

"Sophia, are you all right?" Hunter asks.

"Don't worry Hunter I'm fine," Sophia answers through the laughter.

Then a boy around 5''5' runs up. Along with his sister but she was an inch shorter than him runs up too.

"Kit Kat, down!" the boy yells at the puppy. The puppy stops and walks over to its owners. The boy clips the leash to the puppy's collar. "I'm sorry my sister wasn't watching him when she let him off to play fetch." He says as he helps her up.

"Don't worry no harm done maybe your puppy just has a talent for fetching beautiful girls," Sophia jokes

"Hey your are pretty funny. I'm Kedar by the way and this is my little sis Keisha," Kedar says.

"I'm your twin sister," Keisha protests.

"It's nice to meet both of you I'm Sophia," she says. We talk for a while before Keisha reminds her brother that they need to be home in fifteen minutes and their house is five blocks away. They say goodbye and run like the wind. "I think I should go check out my new apartment."

Sophia waves goodbye to her new friends. After she received the key to her apartment from the landlord, She went to check out her new home. She puts the key in the lock and slowly turn it, gently pushing open the door. She was shocked at what she saw. The apartment was so much smaller than what the ad said she sees out of the corner of my eye a girl with dark curly brown hair and deep brown eyes walking up to her. She turns around to face the girl.

"I was disappointed when I saw it for the first time too," she says. She thrusts her hand out at me. "Hi, I'm Lilly. I live a few apartments down from you."

"Nice to meet you, Lilly. I'm Sophia," Sophia says, shaking her hand.

"I guess your flight in wasn't all puppy dogs and rainbows," Lilly says.

"Every time the plane flew over a new state we hit turbulence. The guy who sat next to snored so loud it sounded like a dump truck.  The kid that sat behind me wouldn't stop kicking the back to the seat even after his mom told him to stop. So, yeah, it was a puppy dog and rainbows festival," She says.

"I guess you could use a power nap, huh?"


"I guess I'll see you later at the party."

"What party?" Sophia asks.

"You'll find out soon enough just come to my apartment around 7 tonight," She says.

She hands Sophia a piece of paper with her apartment number on it and we say goodbye.

Lilly can tell by the way Sophia acted every time she heard Hunter's name that Sophia has a massive crush on Hunter, but She saw him first. So tonight at the party she's going to make sure that Sophia doesn't have any fun. Lilly noticed her medical ID bracelet when we were talking earlier Lilly so glad that she has eagle eyes to read that small print on the bracelet. She calls up Dustin.

"Hey Lilly," he says.

"Can you bring the pizzas for the party tonight?" I ask.

"What do you want on them?" he asks


"Got it."

"Bring the pizzas to my place around 7 o clock?"

"OK. See you later." he says.

They hang up. Lilly id totally looking forward to this party. Hunter will be hers soon enough.

Sorry Sophia but all is fair in love and war. She thought.

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