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[Not edited]
Words: 1284
Tweek's POV

"Tweek! Look what did i found!" Clyde snapped me back to reality from my negative thoughts that keep on popping out of my head. I looked at him and tilted my head in confusion. "I just found a manga book and it's about spirits and stuff!!" He shouted in excitment making me jump and twitch more. "G-gah! L-low your volum-lume.." i said while twitching. He nodded and chuckled, "whoops sorry." "It's f-fine" i immediately answered as i planted a smile on my face.


The bell just rang and made me jump again, "Agk?!!?!". I heard snickered from other people which was around me until i heard a voice from behind, "Well well well look who we have here..." ...cartman. "What do you want Cartman?" Cylde asked crossing his arms while I turned behind to look at him. He chuckled and smirked "Well...Tweek here need to give my homework back~" My eyes went widened in shocked, "I-I neve-" "Ah! There it is" he cut me off and snatch my homework papers which infront of me. "H-hey that's mine!" I said and reached up to grab them back but he raised his arm up high so i couldn't grab. Then suddenly he just pushed me making me fell to the ground, looking up seeing Cylde wasn't there. W-where did he go...? Cartman gripped my collar and pulled me up slamming me to the locker. "AGK?!" I hissed and i just can't believe everyone just walked past me and cartman. "Listen up spazz..No one likes you or know you. You're just a weirdo who wasn't suppose to existed" he gave me a death glare. My eyes were in fear as tears began to formed then he let go of me and ripped my homework papers. "Crybaby..." he mumbled before he walked away straight to class.

My knees fell to the ground as i cried more. 'No one likes you or know you...you are just a weirdo....crybaby' those words haunt me but i shook my head to forget it. Quickly i grabbed all of my homework papers which had been thron apart before i went to class.

~Timeskip~Lunch break
None's POV

It was lunch break and Tweek was walking to his locker to get his lunchbox. He usually eats alone in the janitor's room because he never like to eat in the cafeteria, it's too much preasure for him. Nobody really care about it, even his so called friend Clyde.

Tweek unlocked his locker,placing his books in before grabbing his lunchbox out but right before he closed his locker, someone suddenly closed his locker making him jumped and yelped.

"Hey Tweek! I'm sorry about before and now.." Clyde apoligise, scartching the back of his neck . "I-it's fine...i understand..." Tweek forgave him and noddeed planting a smile on his face. Cylde smiled then hug Tweek "I got an idea~ how about you come sit with me and Token in the cafeteria~". Tweek eyes widened and gulped, "W-what?! U-uuummm.. i don't k-nghknow it's too much preasure f-for me..!" Clyde chuckled then patted the blonde "Don't worry it will be fun trust me~ besides you really need to stop eating alone in the janitors room". "O-ok..." Tweek murmured making Clyde smiled brightly "so? What are we waiting for~? Let's go!" He wrapped his arm around Tweek's neck as they walked to the school cafeteria.

'Maybe...today is not going to be so bad afterall.....i hope' Tweek thought hoping it was true on what he just thought about. Both of Tweek and Clyde arrived at the cafeteria as they sat on their bench. Cylde and Token were talking to each other while Tweek eating his sandwich which was made by his mother. "I guess that you stole the manga...not found," Token corrected. Cylde exclaimed "What?! Of course not! I found it outsude the school fare and square." Token just shruged and sighed, Tweek laughed quietly while listening to their conversation until.. "well well well looked who we have here to showed up" "What do you want fatass..." Clyde glared at Cartman. Tweek turned behind as he met Cartman, he started to trembled a little. "Ah nothing it's just that it was weird that the spazz just showed up in the cafeteria," he rolled his eyes. Tweek clenched his fist 'that's it...no more!' "S-Shut up, fatboy!" He stand up for himself realising that he just screamed making other people looked at him giving him more attention.

Cartman eyes widened, shocked at how Tweek just stood himself. "Don't called me fat, you spazz!" He screamed back. "Said that to my f-face fatass!" Tweek screamed again, he doesn't care if everyone was looking at them he felt happy that he finally stood himself. Cartman eye twitch then grabbed Tweek's collar as he raised his fist to punch him but suddenly someone's voice just appeared behind them, "stop it Cartman..." Tweek looked behind as he saw Stan, Kyle and Kenny. Cartman gave them a glared while letting go of Tweek, he looked back at the blonde and murmured to him "this isn't jackass.." before he walked away. Tweek eyes widened and gulped, he looked behind to see Cylde's and Token's face in shocked. Tweek decided to ignored them and focused at Stan "T-Thank you..." Stan nodded. "That fatass never know how other people feels," Kyle was behind Stan, crossing his arms. Clyde started to talked "you came in the right moment." "I guess so," Stan chuckled as Kyle nodded. Tweek looked at Kenny as Kenny just waved at him. "Well we need to go to sat on our bench, see ya guys~" Stan said then walked away leading Kyle and Kenny. After that, Tweek sat down and looked at Cylde and Token. "I never knew you will stood up for yourself..Tweek" Token said while Cylde nodded. Tweek just shrugged then continued eating his sandwich.

Right after he finished his sandwich, Tweek took out his pudding making Cylde gasped "oh my god you have pudding..?!" Tweek nodded and laughed. "I-I'll just give this to Stan, Kyle and Kenny for saving me just now" Tweek smiled. Token nodded as an agreement that they would love it. Standing up, Tweek slowly walked to Stan's bench while carrying the pudding but then suddenly, somebody threw a banana peel right infront of Tweek as he didn't realised about it. He step on it then slipped making him fell as his pudding hit on his face. Everyone looked at his attention then started to laughed. Tweek sit up, eyes widened as he looked who just threw the banana peel, it was Kenny. Kenny's eyes widened seeing what he just did. Tweek's tears started to formed as he stood up and quickly ran away. "Tweek...wait a minute!!" He ignored Cylde shouted at him while running out of the school into the woods. He knew that it was against the rules to escape from school but he can't help but to ran away.

Tweek stopped as he spotted a waterfall nearby. He sat down and look at the water as he keeps on crying out. "..why is this happening t-to me.." he sobbed wipping hus tears with his arm. He keeped looking down until he heard a rustled sound from behind. Quickly he turned as his eyes widened in fear suddenly he met witha raven haired boy with two ocean blue eyes, wearing a blue sweater matching his blue chullo too and black skinning jeans, looking at him in a blank expression.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in monotone.
Here's my first fanficition in this account...i swear there would be alot of bad grammar and tenses. Please don't judge...i'm not that good at english. Anyways, i hope you like this chapter so far..even though it's still the begining. That's all that i have to say and see you in the next chapter.

PS: i do not own the picture above and the characters.

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