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Words: 993
Warning: bad grammar, bad tense, fluff, timeskip

Author's POV
The rain slowly stoped as the sun rose making it flash Tweek's eyes which cause him to slowly wake up.

Tweek groaned, stretching out his arms before he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Craig said.

Tweek eyes widened in surprise. He realized that he's stil in the treehouse. He started to questioned himself, what would his parents do if he get home? They would be really worried? Oh god- maybe hey called the police because he just disappear!

He gripped onto his blonde locks. Bad mistake, Craig grabbed Tweek's arms and pull them away from his hair giving him a glare.

Tweek whimpered and bit his bottom lip. Craig sighed then let go of his arms.

"Stop biting your lip or else I'll get pissed," Craig hissed.

The blonde boy immediately stop and nodded. Being a loyal puppy as he is. The two stayed quiet as Tweek wrapped himself with the cover. Tweek didn't know what to talk about with Craig. What should he talk about? His life? His parents- wait..oh god his parents.

Tweek immediately stood up and squealed, "oh crap! Oh god- Craig! I need to go home fast! My parents going to kill me- or worst- put me in jail!!"

Craig's eyes widened in shocked then sighed. "Tweek they aren't going to kill you or put you in jail," he stood up infront of Tweek, "I already told them, we were having a sleep over."

"When?" Tweek asked.

"Yesterday when you were asleep-"

"GAH-You watch me when i'm asleep?!"

"Tweek..," Craig pinched his frown line and sighed, "I'm not a creep..Yeah, I did watch you when you're sleeping-but not in a creepy way..relax Tweek.."

Tweek swallowed and nodded in satisfactions. He thanked the blue chullo hat boy. Thank Craig told his parents, he doesn't know what will happen if he didn't.

"I wanted to show you something," the older male said.

Tweek was confused but nodded. The two male went down from the abandoned tree house. Craig lead the way as Tweek followed behind. Tweek was a little anxious about this and prayed that Craig wouldn't lead him to the gnomes. Honestly, Tweek really trust Craig even tho they didn't get to know each like for a long time but the feeling in Tweek's heart is telling him to trust him. The feeling...he realized he have not yet told Craig his feelings for him. Tweek didn't know what to say, maybe he should keep it for a little while.

Maybe one day he'll tell Craig. He just need to wait for the right moment.


They haven't stop walking yet and it gotten Tweek more and more curious on where they heading. Both of them didn't talk or made eye contact. Tweek felt anxious about it. They did got out of the forest but they didn't stop.

Tweek asked, "Craig, where are we going?"

No answer.


Still no answer.

"Craig, please tell me where are we goin-" Craig stopped which made Tweek bump Craig's back. Tweek step back a bit and look at Craig in confusion.

Suddenly, Tweek realised they're in a graveyard. Tweek's eyes widened in shocked. Craig turn to face Tweek as Tweek looked at Craig. The two boys look at each other until Craig glanced to his side. Tweek's raised in eyebrow then turn to where Craig glance at.

He couldn't believe. His eyes widened more as his lips quivered. He walked to the tombstone and place his hand on top of it.

"Craig..." Tweek mumbled. His eyes look down at the tombstone. It was Craig's.

Craig was silent, too silent. Words couldn't describe how he felt right now. Tweek suddenly was on his knees, letting his forehead rested the tombstone.

"You're showing me this because you wanted to tell me this...right? That you're....dead," Tweek muttered.

Craig hummed in respond, "I always come here...waiting for someone to notice me..for someone to notice my tomb but....nothing, I don't know why i'm still here, I don't even why i'm still fucking standing here, everyone thought that I was dead then they forgot me."

Tweek flinched and then he stood up. His back was still facing Craig. Maybe it's time for him to tell Craig his feelings for him..but would that be possible. Loving a dead person.

The twitchy blonde turned to face his lover. He walked closer to Craig. Slowly his hand reached out to Craig but he hesitate. "Craig.."

Craig looked at Tweek, Tweek could see tears in Craig's eyes. Is he going to cry? Just before Tweek could say anything, Craig put two of his fingers to Tweek's lips to shut him up. Tweek's eyes widened and blush a little.

Craig leaned forward placing his lip on the other side of his fingers, closing his eyes. Tweek blush even more. Are we kissing? Tweek slowly close his eyes, he could imagined them kissing but all he could feel is fabric. The fabric of Craig's gloves. Craig's breath, it's so warm. It felt like he was alive be he isn't.

The two male pull away from each other. Tweek blushed madly and slowly open his eyes to see Craig as he could see Craig was blushing a bit.

"Leave those three words later," Craig suggested as he smiled warmly.

Just before Tweek could say anything, Craig walked away. Tweek's eyes widened but without hesitating he follow Craig. Does he really know that he love him? Those three words..


They both arrived infront of Tweek's house. Tweek realized it's time to go home...again. Before he could proceed to his front door, he stop.

"Craig..." he muttered hoping Craig was still there. No, he doesn't want to leave Craig just yet. Not now.

No answer.

Still no answer.

"Yea?" Tweek sighed in relief. Thank god he respond.

Tweek turn and look at Craig, "Let's meet up again."

Craig nodded and smiled, "Yeah, let's..."

To be continue

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