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Words: 837
Warning: bad grammar, tenses

Author's POV
'Is it posible to touch him one

Gazing the sky while laying down  on the grass. Tweek looked to his side to found the chullo hat boy sitting down while playing with his own gloves. Tweek couldn't help but smiled at how cute it was. Craig glanced at Tweek, "what?"

"Ah! Nothing..i-it's just t-that, uumm is there posible i could uummm touch you-Not in THAT way tho! Like a f-friend way..ya know?" Tweek blushed. Craig looked down and sighed in unsatisfication.

"No. Nothing in this world could let you or me touch each other even with the others." That made Tweek's heart cracked a bit as if he was heart broken or being rejected. He just nodded then sat up, resting his chin on his knee. After that, Craig immediately shuffled and leaned in to Tweek. A few more inches away from Tweek. Tweek's eyes widened and blushed from the sudden move.

"W-what are you d-doing?" The blonde twitch and stuttered. Craig closed his eyes and imagined an image of him kissing Tweek as he could feel Tweek's soft lips on his. Tweek was confused then slowly understood what Craig was doing. Slowly the twitchy blonde closed his eyes and smiled alittle as his cheeks were getting redder. He shivered, feeling Craig's hot breath to his skin. Craig opened his eyes so does Tweek. Both of them were silent, looking into each others eyes as both of them blushed but Tweek blushed more.

"If i could touch you, i would hug you, hold your hand but mostly..kiss you," Craig said straight forward. Tweek's eyes widened as his cheeks gets even warmer, "y-you...?" Tweek was speechless and couldn't explain his expressions in words. The chullo hat boy smiled warmly, "I like you Tweek Tweak...since the day we met."

Tweek couldn't speak nor move as if the whole world stopped spinning. His heart beats faster as he couldn't help but feel steam coming out of his head. He couldn't tell weither Craig is just playing with him or he truly like him. But if he do, ...as? Friends? Buddy? Brother?...lover? Tweek's mouth opened but then closed, lookinh down flustered. Craig sighed then stand up, "it's fine if you didn't feel the same...i'm fine with that, we can always be friends."

...friends. why does that hurt Tweek so much. The word friend, Tweek of course doesn't replied and just avoiding eye contact away from Craig. Tweek was lost in his mind but then suddenly.

"Tweek!!" A familiar voice came out of nowhere as Tweek snapped out of reality. Just as Tweek raised his head, Craig was nowhere to be seen. Tweek felt like his heart been stabbed by an arrow.

I hate it when you leave me..

Suddenly somebody hugged Tweek from behind making him yelped. It was none other then Clyde Donovan and his best friend Token Black. "What are you doing here in the forest? Do you know there would be wolves eating you alive!" Clyde teased sending a smacked on the head by Token. "Don't teased him.." Token scolded.

Tweek felt something was wrong here. Why Clyde just suddenly found Tweek and even called him? It was a bit odd. "Oh i-i was just u-ummm w-well i came here uummm..too much preasure!" Tweek gripped onto his hair and spazz out. "Didn't i told you to stop gripping onto your hair?".....craig. Tweek immediately turned to his back and saw Craig sitting on a tree branch with his usual blank expression. Clyde gasped, "woah! Who's this guy? I want to climb on a tree too!".

Craig rolled his eyes, jumping off the tree. "Tch..come on Tweek, we need to go somewhere," Craig commanded sending Tweek shivered from his cold attitude. On the other hand Clyde and Token were clueless as Tweek followed Craig. "Well that was weird.." Token mumbled. "Beats me," Clyde shrugged.


The twitchy blonde was just looking down while tugging onto Craig's jacket so he wouldn't gotten lost. He was still thinking about Craig's confession. He didn't noticed that they were going back to his house just as Craig stopped walking.

"You can stop tugging on my jacket now," Tweek let go and looked at where they stopped. Tweek haven't talked to Craig after the confession. Tweek walked to his door but then a hand gripped onto his shoulder. Which was Craig's. "Tweek...i know you are confused and scared" scared? Why should i be scared?.. "but i'll wait for you..i'll wait even if it takes for another million years." Another million years...? What does that mean? "I don't care if you reject it or not but i just want your answer.." Craig slowly let go of Tweek's shoulder and whispered.

"Because i fell for you Tweek
Tweak.." those words made Tweek's eyes widened and immediately turned. No use..Craig was gone. Tweek couldn't believe himself. He never exprience this feeling. A feeling of....lost

To be continue.

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