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Words:797 (NOT included the a/n below, ONLY the story tqsm)
Warning: typos, bad grammar and bad tenses (only did this for a day so please bare with me)

Author's POV
It's been two days since Tweek saw Craig. Craig wasn't around with Tweek since those two days. It drives the blonde twitchy boy crazy. He regrets it, he regrets not telling Craig, he definitely regrets it.

Those two days, it's just the normal life of Tweek. Getting bullied, hanging out with Kenny, Cylde teasing him a little and drinking coffee for almost 24 hours. Tweek was tapping his finger on the table intensely while it was lunch time. Yes..Tweek decided to be more socialible but instead he sat alone. Thinking and thinking and thinking when will Craig pop out of nowhere to see him. Just one thought hit Tweek..why does he care for Craig? Or even confession? Of course he usually rejected all of those confession when he was 5th grade but why now? Why not? It was really strange. Besides, Tweek just met Craig for 2-3 days! How could he just fell for Craig just for alittle bit of information?! Is it really possible?!

Tweek inhaled and calm down or else he'll definitely freak out in he cafeteria. He couldn't even eat his lunch, it was just laying infront of him. Sighing, he groaned from this feelings of butterflies on his stomach. If only he could see Craig again...

"Tweeky boy!" It was none other then Clyde Donovan. Tweek screamed and jumped, thanks to the surprised hug Clyde gave him. "What the fuck!?!! Clyde! Don't do that! Stop!-oh god." Tweek whined as Clyde grinned and chuckled. "Where's your mystery friend of yours? You really are lonely," Clyde said. "Oh you mean Craig- he doesn't meet me..anymore," Tweek looked down sadly.

Clyde frowned then suddenly had an idea, "hey~ how about you join us beside we are friends~ right?" Tweek's eyes widened. ....friends? As a flashback immediately flash on his eyes.

"it's fine if you didn't feel the same...i'm fine with that, we can always be friends."

Those words that Craig told him, friends...No Tweek doesn't want to be friends, he wants to be more than those...more than friends..he wants Craig..he needs Craig.

"I love Craig...." Tweek mumbled without noticing. "What?" Clyde gotten confused as Tweek gasped. He said it. He said those 4 letters. Is that really how he felt for Craig? He needs to know. Tweek immediately stood up and inhaled, "Clyde tell the teacher, i'll be going home early. There something i need to do and it's an emergency." Just as that Tweek ran off leaving a confused Clyde, "But- welp...there he goes.."

Tweek ran through the hallway avoiding himself from bumping to anyone who stopped his way. Butterflies were in his stomach as his heartbeats skip everytime he imagined Craig. Those feelings of falling into someone. Tweek never imagined it will be like this.

Tweek succesfully walked out of the school into the forest. Running deep and deep into the forest without looking back. It's time for Tweek's turn to visit Craig or see Craig. After running marathon, Tweek stopped and huffed. Still he couldn't find Craig and also he didn't even know where he is but if it's something to solve his feelings then it is worth it. Looking from left to right, Tweek decided to looked up. There was clouds which started to block the sun which means..it's about to rain. Tweek needs to find a shelter or else he'll get cold from the rain. Hurry he search for shelter

Out of nowhere, he found an abandoned tree house. Tweek may have anxiety but he is strong inside. Without even thinking, he immediately climbed up to the tree house and decided to sat there as the rain slowly started to dripped. As it started to rain, Tweek decided to explore abit inside the treehouse. It was really an abandoned tree house, the place was full of spider webs, rain water dripping from the roof, holes on the floor so theres a chance Tweek's leg could get stuck on it but he decided to avoid it. Other than that, theres also drawings on the wall. Tweek looked at each drawing until one drawing caught his attention. A drawing of a group of family but as Tweek realised it isn't a drawing, it's a family photo. There was a mother and father with two kids. The first kid on the left near the father was a girl with strawberry blonde hair which looks like she is 5-6 years old. Then, theres a boy which was beside the mother, he is much taller than the little girl as he was wearing a blue chullo hat- wait..Blue chullo hat, raven haired, blue jacket and black skinny jeans....Craig?

"Tweek?" Tweek's eyes widened and turned who called his name outof nowhere.



It's been long i've done author's note or anything lol. Anyways..The end is near. Idk i guess this is spoilers lol xD. I was hoping after this story is completed, i keep on asking should i do a sequeal? Meh, idk lets just see how the future goes. And also thanks for the votes and comments btw xD. See you guys on the next author's note. Peace~

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