Chapter 2

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Michael's POV 

"E...excuse me?" The blonde stranger just laughed. 

"I said 'why are you crying love?'" 

"Y..yeah I heard you but why are you speaking to me?" I questioned, why would someone as handsome as him be interested in talking to a loser like me? 

He nudged is head to the space next to me, silently asking if he could sit. I looked at the floor nodding. The only thought that ran through my head was that he was dirtying his outfit, which he clearly didn't care about as he sat next to me in the filthy alleyway. 

"How could I just walk past when I know someone's hurting? I may not know you..?" He trails off, I realize then he doesn't know my name.

"Michael." I don't remember deciding to tell him but somewhere along the lines I must have. I mean it's not like I'm going to see him again anyway.

"I may not know you Michael but your hurting, and I wasn't about to walk past without acknowledging someone hurting. You don't have to tell me what's wrong, I won't force you, but if you want to get anything off your chest I'm here. If you want to scream, shout, hit something I'm here." 

I was frozen in my seat. A stranger, who's name I'm yet to find out, just offered to listen to the shit that goes through my head. Do I tell him? No of course not, don't be stupid. I look up after what felt like forever to see his blue eyes, but there was something different about them. They weren't filled with criticism or judgement, they were filled with sincerity. A pleasure I'm not used to, if he wasn't looking back I could've sworn this would have been creepy but here he was staring back. I was the first to look away, the blondes stare left just after mine.

"I'm sorry I really should go." And before I knew it I'd gotten up and I was running. I didn't look behind me to see if he was following, I just ran. Do I care? Not particularly. I don't know the man, and I didn't plan on getting to know him. The more I ran, the more I realized I was scared. Scared because I've only ever been the invisible kid, the one no one notices, the one no one cares about enough to ask about because they know they'll never get an answer, I'm the one who pushes everyone away because I can't face my own problems never mind having anyone else to share them with. 

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't push people away, if I actually considered letting people in, then I realize how much better off I am being the way I am.. Alone. No one to care about, no one to stab you in the back, and most importantly, no one to care about you. You can do whatever the hell you want without having to worry about hurting other people because they simply do not care. No one disappoints you, but after all, it's hard to be disappointed when what you expected turns out to be true. That's what I've found with many people but hey, that's a story for another day. 

So, to put a very long story short, for now, I put a guard up. I find life is so much easier knowing that no one gives a damn. No one to leave behind. No one to mourn me when I inevitably die. No one to pretend to care when death catches up with me, I'll be alone and this is the way I intend to keep it. I'll just be another one of those people with a grave but no gravestone, I'll be alone even in death. Can I tell you a secret? I bet you've already guessed but I don't care. The day everyone wakes up and realizes we live in a society in which no one notices 1. your achievements, 2.  your tears, 3. your cries for help. The one thing everyone notices is the mistakes you make in the long run, or more importantly the gossip and lies spread around about a person, once you fall victim to gossip your whole life starts to crumble before you. It's inevitable. Find me someone you genuinely cares about the truth anymore and I'll take it all back, but I bet you can't because even the people who believe they are innocent fall for the gossip spread around about people. But this won't change and it never will. People love a story to about someone to make they're lives more interesting and to find someone to target as long as they don't have to focus on their lives. Yeah, I wish I could do that too. 

I finally arrive home and as usual, the first thing I hear is my parents arguing. I make a very quick decision to ignore it and instantly run up to my room, everything perfectly organized as I left it. I put my bag down and grab my earphones and phone and lay on my bed. My phone is empty apart from a few playlists. Who needs apps when you have no one to speak to? I pushed the buds of my earphones into my ears and clicked on Heavy by Linkin Park and Kiiara slowly falling asleep silently praying that I don't wake up.

Luke's POV 

I watched him run away but there way nothing I could do about it, he was a stranger to me as I was to him but I can never leave anyone alone when their crying, I have impulse control issues. I got up off of the ground gaining a few stares from people passing by, I mean it's not every day you find a guy in a suit sitting on the ground in an alleyway. 

I walk to my car silently thinking only of Michael. Why was a boy so beautiful so broken? The journey home was the same, I couldn't shake the thought of him and somewhere along the way I realized. I didn't care about not knowing him. I just wanna help him in anyway I can.

I will make him smile again, no matter how long it takes....

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