13-My Wolf Inside

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Sky's POV:

I wake up in Ryders arms.

I feel, funny, different.

Oh right, I'm a wolf. Great.

I look around for a second, everything is brighter, louder, and life just feels, enhanced! Okay, I could get used to this.

"You okay... Dammit, I forgot to ask your name." Ryder cusses to himself

I point my head up towards the sky.

"Wait? your names leaf?Tree?cloud?" He guesses, obviously joking

I shake my head at him while I mentally laugh.

I stretch my head higher

"Oh, Sky?" he asks

I give him a wolfy nod

"Ok, Are you alright Sky?"

I nod again.

He takes a second and admires my wolf, "Your wolf looks stunning." I'm glad he can't see me blush.

He picks me up off his lap and sets me on the ground.

"Try walking."

 after a few failed attempts I finally get on my  four feet. I try to think of myself as a kid, on my hands and knees, I just couldn't do it, I kept tripping, and having to get up again.

After 10 minutes of falling, I noticed Ryder laughing at me, I had been to busy tripping on my four feet to realize. 

I gave him a death glare, so he controlled his unappreciated laughter and came over to help me.

He held me up and I started walking again.

After I finally got the hang of it I started carefully walking around.

After 20 minutes of that, Ryder shifted next to me. He was a beautiful Black wolf, with white tipped ears and tail, also a white spot in between his neck and chest. Finished off with beautiful Gray eyes

I started to trot into the woods and Ryder followed close by.

being my wolf make me feel so wild, so free. Like I am the queen of the forest.

stopping at a beautiful, clear stream I lapped up some water, quenching my thirst.

I look up and see my reflection in the water. 

I was the opposite of Ryder, white instead of black, and all of my details the same, except black

I walk over to Ryder, and without even thinking, I lick his face, and he licks mine back. I push him and he tackles me playfully. We go back and forth playing like dogs, well we are dogs, but whatever.

But what I can't get over is how I feel so close to him, and how I am falling for him, but I don't even know him.

"Sky, he is your mate its natural." My wolf speaks again

"What's a mate?" I think to her

"Not my place to explain, but I'll just say that you two are connected. Just like we are, only you are two different people."

"Okay?, so I'm connected to him. Weird."

"It's not weird, it's natural. That's why you are attracted to him."

"So you can read my thoughts too?" I ask

"Yes, because we are the same person, and I'm connected to his wolf."

"Ok, one last question." I say


"What's your name? Or do you not have a name?"

"My name is Emerald." She laughs

"Thanks Emerald."

"No problem sweetie."

I focus my attention back to earth. I nudge Ryder with my head

Getting the hint that I want to be human again we start walking back to our spot.

When we got there he walked behind a tree and came back wearing shorts and holding a t-shirt and shorts for me.

He threw them at me and turned around.

"Imagine yourself as a human." he said without looking around at me.

I imagine myself in front of the mirror. My long hair that cascades down to my back, my Amber eyes with tints of forest green.

 I begin to feel my bones shifting back into my human form.

I pulled on the shorts and shirt.

"O-okay." I say, getting used to the feeling of talking again.

He turned around and helped me up, it took a minute to get my land legs again but I was okay.

"Where are we going now Ryder?"

"You'll see."

Short but I did this fast.

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