Chapter 3rd.

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Ware House

Peters POV

Peter woke up to Ock working on his computer next thing he knows He's getting more blood taken.He was still bleeding from his hands from trying to get out the two cuts he hand in his midsection and all the other cuts from getting thrown around.He hasn't ate in days and felt dizzy.And he can't even count how much blood took from him.Next thing he knows the table he was laying on went up to face him toward a wall.Then he heard something as saw The Goblin. "Puny little spider Ock said we could play around a little bit " Then he got punch in the gut not helping the bleeding and then in the face.Soon he started caughing up blood.Then Ock walked in "so do you want to talk or should we play a little longer" "I'll never tell you anything "Next thing he knew he was injected with something and didn't know what. Soon he fell asleep. "It will make him forget anything since the time he got here till this point. Get the others that will last a few hours so we could go out and get somethings it's not like he's going anywhere " Ock said.Then Peter heard a voice that sounded fimiliar he turned around a saw Gwen.He couldn't believe his eyes. She told him to stay strong and he had to go back.But he didn't want to so she told him to do it for her. He nodded and went back.

Avengers Tower

Steve's POV

Alright We can't take everyone so I'm taking Tiger, Fist, Nova, Power man, Natasha and Clint. Tony Bruce you guys stay here just incase.They headed toward the jet except Nova he flew aside them so he could show them where to go.They were in the jet for about 10 minutes when they arrived.They looked in side and saw nobody so they went in.They liked around for a while then found another door.And when they went in they couldn't believe what they saw peter way laying down with gashes all ove bleeding and bruises everywhere.His whole body was covered in blood.They had to hurry and get him out before he could loose anymore blood.Then Peter woke up and he couldn't seem to breathe but then he started to choke up blood."were gonna get you out of here kid " Clint said "You're going to be ok"Natasha added then Steve then picked up Peter bridal style trying not to hurt him.He started to doze off. "Stay with us Peter " Ava said.They got Peter to the jet but his body was getting cold they needed to warm him up."Hey Danny can you use your fist to warm up his body"Clint asked.Danny noded and did it.They got to the Tower and rushed up.Steve took Peter Medical Bay and Told Clint to go get Tony and Bruce.

"Stay with us Web-Head" Sam said.Tony and Bruce ran into the room."What happened " Bruce asked.We don't know we found him like this."His vitals aren't stable " Tony said "Clint grab me the scissor" he gave them to Tony and he cut the top half of his costume again . He had all these gashes all over."We have to stitch him up he's loosing to much blood " Bruce said .Everybody just stood there watching hoping he would be ok.They had to take turns watching him just incase something went wrong. His team took turns watching him through the night

1 day later

Its been a day since Peter had been back and he hadn't woke up once.But an hour later they all went to check up on him and he finally woke up.They all walked up to him and asked how he was.All he could feel was pain.He was about to touch where Kraven's knife had hit him at him.But when he was about to touch it Danny grabbed his and said "I wouldn't do that my friend " But forgetting about his hand. But then all his vitals started to go wild and he passed out.They got everything under control.When he woke up He only saw Natasha."How you doing you've been out a while." "What happened" Peter asked trying to get up but having pain run through his body "I was hoping you could answer that" Natasha asked "all I remember is Ock taking a lot of blood and getting beat up by the Sinister 6 everything else is a blur" Peter said.Then all of a sudden everybody came in."How you feeling kiddo" Tony said with his arms spread apart "Oh you know I'm used to be captured so better than you think." "You've been kidnapped before " Bruce as a little suprised "Yup Ock would always go for Peter and so would the goblin " Luke asked "How many times " Steve asked "To many to count " Sam told them.Peter just nodded."Can I get some food because I haven't ate for a few days " Peter said holding his stomach.They just laughed then Clint brought him 8 slices of Pizza which he ate through their whole conversation. Soon it was 11pm and they all left so he could get some rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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