Chapter 2: Sans and Papyrus

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"Wha-?" I was starting to say when the entire area changed from where Flowey was to a place of snow. Frisk is here too. We were both confused on what just happened.

"Frisk, do you have any idea on what just happened?" I asked her.

"No.. but it's like time skipped a beat." She responded. "About.. 20 minutes to be exact."

I didn't respond. I walked forward and she followed me.

"Hey look at this." She said.

"Wow, a camera in the bush" I responded and kept walking. There was a branch laying across the path and we just walked over it. About ten steps later there was a noise, a SNAP! We both looked back and saw that the branch we just walked over snapped into pieces. Frisk got scared and she grabbed onto me.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm here." I said to her soothingly. She nodded and walked with me again still holding on. I hear footsteps behind us and I turn around quickly and see nothing. I ignored it and kept waking until we got to a bridge with a sort of gate.

We heard somebody approaching behind us.

"H u m a n s, d o n t y o u k n o w h o w t o g r e e t a n e w p a l? T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d." The figure said.

Frisk and I slowly turned around and he held out his hand. Frisk put her hand out too and shook hands with him. Then a fart noise came out and Frisk had a face of disgust. I had to hold in my laughter.

"Heh, the old woopie cushion in a hand trick. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." It said. "Who are you?"

"I'm (Y/N) and this is Frisk." I said.

"heh, nice to meet ya." Sans started. "Actually I'm supposed to be on lookout for humans right now, but uh, I don't really care about capturing anyone. But my brother, Papyrus, he's a human hunting fanatic. Oh, looks like him over there, walk through this gate, yep, just walk right through, my brother made the walls to wide to stop anyone."

We walk through.

"Quick hide between that conveniently shaped lamp." Sans said.

We quickly run behind the lamp just in time before his brother comes running up.

"Sup bro." Sans says.

"Oh, don't even start with the 'sup bro'" papyrus basically yells. "It's been eight days and you still haven't recalibrate your puzzles! What are you even doing?!?!"

"Staring that this lamp. It's really cool. You wanna look?" Sans asked.

"NO!!" Papyrus yelled. "I don't have time for that! What if a human comes through here? I want to be ready! I will capture it and I will be in the royal gaurd!"

"Hmm." Sans started. "Maybe this lamp will help you."

"Sans your not helping you lazybones!" Papyrus stated. "All you do is sit and boondoggle! You get lazier and lazier everyday!"

"Hey take it easy. I've gotten a ton of work done today. A skele-ton!" Sans joked and Frisk and I tried to hold in our laughter.

"Sans!!" Papyrus yelled.

"Cmon your smiling."

"I am and I hate it." Papyrus started. "I work so hard just to get this."

"Hmm. Sounds like your working yourself... down to the bone." Sans joked and we held in our laughter again.

"UGH!!! I'll attended to my puzzles and as for your work out a little more.. backbone into it! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE" papyrus said then walked away.

We started to come out of our hiding spot when he came back.

"Heh" he said and left.

"Ok you can come out now." Sans said and we came out. Then sans told us to go among with his brothers' puzzles, it would make his day.

~many puzzles later~

Frisk and I really like Sans and Papyrus. We want to become friends with them. It was getting late, or at least I think it was because I was getting extremely tired and so was frisk. So we went to the inn. The monsters there were extremely friendly. Like Toriel. Wait.. Toriel.. I know her but I Don't at the same time..

One of the girls there were kind enough to show us to our room. We were waking to our room which we knew where it was and I monster came up to us, she is really nice.

"Oh hello humans" she started. "I haven't seen a human in a while. Well my Boyfriend and his friend anyway."

Frisk and so were interested. We asked her to tell us the story.

"Ok," she started. "Well my boyfriends name was Tristin Miller. A 13 year old boy that wouldn't hurt anything. He fell down here one day and us monsters took him in. About a day or two later another human had fallen down. His name was Justin, just a year older than Tristin. They didn't know each other at the time but became friends and it turned out they had a lot in common. We monsters taught them how to use their powers, but Justin didn't have any, his souls was Black. An unknown soul color. Tristin's was blue of patience. Both were helpers to the the previous royal scientist Dr. W. D. Gaster. Dr. Gaster or Gaster for short. There was one day where Gaster wanted their assistants at the core. There was a power failure. The power source there was feeding off of time energy.They did everything they could but couldn't stop it. Justin was assumed dead but witnesses say he was his by a bolt from the power source, then disappeared, experts say he is lost in time. Tristin died by the blast and his soul was found by some wreckage and was given to Asgore. Gaster went missing."

Just then the girl ran off starting to cry. We wanted to go after her but she disappeared. We went into our room. There was one slight problem. One bed. We delt with it.

I got into bed and Frisk got in too. She snuggled up to my chest which made my face heat up.

"Goodnight (Y/N)" she said soothingly. I smiled.

"Goodnight Frisk."

Souls in Love (Female! Frisk x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now