Chapter 13: The War (1)

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Welp, here we go. My first two parter. Enjoy everyone!


You and Sans just sat. Waiting for his 'friend' to arrive. Sans never let you look out the windows, not even a small peek. He was worried about Papyrus but knew that you were more important for whatever reason. In the meantime you decided to text Frisk.


Y: hey where are you?

F: (Y/N)?!?! Where are you?!?! I've been worried sick about you. It's chaos out here. Monsters and humans are at war again and both sides are having major casualties.

Y: I know, Sans told me, I'm at home in Sans room. Where is Pap? Come home.

F: I am. Papyrus left to home a moment ago. I'll see you soon.

You put your phone down. Then a portal appeared out of paint of some sort. Then another skeleton that looked a lot similar to sans stepped out of it. He looked at Sans and started to speak.

"Hey, sorry I'm late classic, there is something very.. urgent going on in the AU's that need my full attention." He said. "Anyway what's this important thing I need to come here for?"

'Classic? AU's?' So many questions came into your mind.

"Hehe. Right there." Sans pointed at me. "Apparently... ERROR had been talking to him through his 'dreams' or something of that sort."

The other skeleton looked at me. Then sighed. "Well, he's gotta come with us and I think that you know that already."

"Yeah, that I unfortunately do, Ink"

'Ink.. so ink is his name' you thought.

"Welp. Let's go kiddo" Sans said and led my toward the portal. Then, the door burst open to reveal Frisk, she was completely out of breath.

"What? Where are you guys going!" Frisk yelled. She obviously wanted me to stay with her. Both Sans and Ink were silent. But after a moment Sans spoke. "Listen kid, we need to take him somewhere... it's go-"

"NO! I'm not letting you take him away! She then started to fight sans to get to you.

Then Papyrus jumped through the window.

Nobody except you noticed and by this time Ink was reinforcing Sans against Frisk. I looked at Papyrus, he was looking at them. They were all loud and screaming at each other to stop. Then Papyrus started to get sucked into the portal, suddenly his entire body was sucked inside. He screamed for help but nobody heard him.

"PAPYRUS!" You yelled and ran to his aid. You grabbed his hand and tried to pull him back but he was too heavy and pulled you in with him. The others heard you fall Papyrus's name and ran other to help but by the time they did.. you two were already gone.

You were both were gone and don't know where you guys will end up.

Frisk POV

I started to freak out and cry for my (Y/N) back. Ink was stating to Sans that he will locate what AU they end up landing in. But in the meantime we would have to search manually.

Ink was going into his portal first but before he could the wall exploded and knocked Ink out. Sans and I looked to see a military tank aiming directly at us. We both picked up Ink and ran off before the tank could fire again. We had to find safety.

We went to the front door only to find solders waiting for us there and firing at us. We took cover as Sans summoned bones to distract them. The monsters, (Y/N), and I all knew that if a guaranteed peace were to happen. Monsters couldn't kill humans. And they still apply to that. But only kill if needed.

Undyne was busy at Alphys lab protecting her and the scientist from attacks. Toriel and Asgore are protecting monster senators and other important monsters. Also, flowey went missing. So we were alone for the time being.

We ran way out of the city we were in. Also known as Temmie Village. When we were out of the city we tried to find shelter until Ink woke up. The soldiers are persistent and followed us. They shot at us and Sans quickly blocked the shots with bones he summoned. We continued to run out of the city.

A tank cut us off from our path. It started to take aim. Sans was patient. He waited till he had a good shot. Once it was in a perfect position he summoned a bone and shot it all the way up into the tank gun, and when it fired the entire tank exploded. We quickly ran and hid inside a small house.

Ink was out cold. We had to wait. I stupidly decided to text (Y/N) thinking he would answer. And he did.


I woke up, I rubbed my head and sat up. I looked around. I was... cold.. and the surroundings.. seemed familiar. Your at snowdin. You then remembered you were here with Papyrus so you looked for him but didn't find him. You then stand up and walk around, you see.. Frisk, standing in front of Papyrus in their normal meeting spot in any timeline. I looked closely at that Papyrus and it was MY Papyrus. I watched what was going to happen.

A fight started. I saw what Frisk was seeing and what she was hearing. "Papyrus is sparing you"

She put her hand over the fight button, pressed it and attacked. You immediately knew this was a genocide run. Then Sans quickly jumped out and took the hit. He had a bloody slash mark on him. Then he grabbed Papyrus and teleported away. You look at the scene shocked. You decided not to intervene concerning something might get messed up if you do.

~after a full genocide~

Frisk was a the judgement hall. The normal netting place for her and Sans. Only... Sans wasn't there. Frisk couldn't SAVE for some reason. But it didn't faze her and kept going on. Then she stopped and Papyrus appeared.

"You killed everyone..." he started while frisk smirked. "I always told myself to forgive." A bone weapon appears in his right hand. "If you keep going... you won't be able to be stopped... now... I must stop you... you killed everyone I love and cared about."

The fights started.

"I'm so sorry...." Papyrus said sadly.

Then in front of Frisk it read.

Papyrus no longer believes in you

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