Chapter 1

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A/N: I've been working on this story for a while now so I hope you guys like it. Hopefully I can update more! It's almost summer so I'll be writing a lot then! Love you guys so please like this story! Xx
~Lou (Pic of Tee on the side)
Niall's POV

"You guys ready for the show tonight?!" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah Madison Square Garden. The worlds most famous arena." Liam says reading off the banners on the side of the stage.

"Sound check in 5 min." Paul says. He hates it when we're late. I grab my microphone with the little Irish flag on the bottom. When I get on I look around. This stadium is huge. It has always been my dream to play here. As we start to sing Live While Wer're Young I think of all the stars that have played here. 'N Sync, Elton John, Micheal Jackson, Shakira, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears. And my boy, Justin Bieber. As my solo starts I preform my heart out.

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do

Just pretending that we're cool

So tonight, lets go

"You sound great Niall, just save it for the show" Harry whispers to me. As the song ends Paul says that the doors are opening soon so we have to head back stage.

"Gosh guys...imagine all the girls that are going to be here" Harry says.

"Yeah. Hopefully I will find my princess tonight. I mean there are going to be thousands of people here tonight. I have some pretty good chances" I say.

"Don't hold your breath" Louis says quietly.

"Hey!" I punch him softly.

*2 hours later*

"10 minutes to stage boys. 10 minutes." The stage manager says while we're in Zayn's dressing room.

Always before a show I take a peek out at the crowd to see if my princess is out there. I did'nt see anyone from my view, but I know she is out there.

I know it!

"What ya doing Niall?" Liam says sneaking up behind me.

"Oh just looking at the crowd. It's a lot to take in."

"That's for sure. I still can't believe we're here. Did you see the sign outside? I took like a million pictures of it."

"Yeah. It's unreal. One Direction: Sold out Madison Square Garden!"

"I can't believe it! All of our families are here! This is probably a highlight of our career. Or mine at least."

"Yeah. Best Day Ever!" Then his phone buzzes to signal that he got a text.

"Its Danielle. She will be here soon so whe wants me to meet her at the back door. See ya." He gives me a slap on the back.

"Bye man!"

Tee's POV (Pic on side is what Tee looks like)

The concert had to be starting soon. I check my watch -9:10, 20 minutes- because my parents won't let me have a phone. Wait- they don't let me have anything. The best gift I got from them was clothes. And the times when they let me out of the closet. That's where I live in my house. The only way I got these tickets was because I was out for my one day a year walk by the outlets and they had the radio going.


"Be the 10th caller and you're going to see One Direction! Front row! Good luck!"

I ran to a payphone and used up the only quarter I had. The only money I've ever had actully.

I was caller 10!

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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