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This is going to be one big long chapter solely about motivating yourself to write. We all need that little nudge, that extra spark of imagination. But sometimes it just doesn't come, so what do you do?

I'll go over a few things:

    -Writers Block
    -Getting Started
    -How to Fall in Love with Writing
    -Reasons to Write

      -Whether or not this exists, the idea of it comes from lack of motivation or ideas. So how do you get around this mental stumbling block?

        a) Write the first draft from your heart. I actually included a little about this in the chapter "Making your Readers Care." Forget the technicalities for the moment, and just get the story down on paper. For me, I often get so caught up trying to work out the plot kinks that I get stuck in my story and can't move on. Worry about those plot holes later. I mean, you'll have to eventually, but for now, just focus on pouring out the story. Don't worry if your writing is eloquent or will make the reader cry, those technical things will come later. Don't worry about the dialogue not being emotional or clear enough, you can come back to it.

        b) Read a lot. I've noticed that certain times when I find myself unable to write, I've been really busy and haven't read a lot lately. The reason for this is that reading inspires me, and I often get a lot of ideas from just reading other stories. Make sure the stuff you're reading is good quality too, because what you read can often influence how you write.

         c) Avoid stressful writing goals. Unless you're 100% sure that setting big goals makes you write more, try to avoid giving yourself pressure. Small, achievable goals are alright to motivate, but telling yourself you have to write one chapter a day, or that you have to write a certain amount in a small period of time can lead to more stress and frustration. Which, in turn, leads to less writing. Some days you may be able to spit out five chapters, some days a half a page may be a big accomplishment. Allow yourself flexibility.

          d) Allow flexibility in the story as well. Plotting is good and helpful, but keep in mind that as you write, you need to leave room for spontaneous ideas. The book may not end the way you originally planned, but the new ending could be 10x better. If you're stuck to a rigid plan, your mind may not have the free will and originality needed to produce a story. Let it go.

          e) Write down ideas as they come to you. Don't believe the lie that you'll "remember it later." Because you probably won't. It doesn't take long to pull out your phone and type yourself a little note to remember a new idea. 

           f) Use fresh ideas to get the story going again. I've said this in another chapter somewhere, but I generally just write all my random ideas in one project on my laptop. Sometimes they're simple things like "girl doesn't know her friend is her brother" or maybe it can be the basic starting point of an intense plot. The point of this is to collaborate ideas that wouldn't be able to sustain a story all on their own, so when I am in need of a plot twist or extra element to add to my story, I can find all my ideas in one place. If you maintain a system like this, and you find yourself lacking ideas, you can just take a look at your "Ideas" project and select a couple from there.

Basically, it’s your choice if you want to let writer’s block take over. There are always ideas floating around in your head and there is always something to write about. You must fight through it if you wish to finish anything at all. If you keep allowing yourself to say “I’ll finish this later”, you’re letting writer’s block win.  Ultimately, through writing every day and keeping a steady schedule that you can manage, you’ll be able to fight writer’s block. AND REMEMBER, there’s a difference between giving yourself a break and giving in to writer’s block. We all need a break every once in a while.

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