A boy named Daniel

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A/N these chapters are probably going to be short bc i'm not good at writing long chapters


Phil's POV

He always looks so lonely.

Daniel. What a beautiful name.

I wonder what it's like to be a person on the earth. I have so many questions, so many dreams, and so many ideas. Elder Lark says not to think about that "fallen society" But I can't help myself from wondering about it. Usually you'll just find me daydreaming about life on the ground. My mother says not to think about it, or that i'm just being selfish for wanting to be apart of their society when I have it very good here in the cloud kingdom. 

Everybody at school calls the people on earth "the fallies" There's many rumors about how horrible and nasty the fallies are, but to me they're so fascinating. My mother gets mad at me if I ever talk about the fallies so I learned to just keep my mind to myself. I also get bullied for being so interested in the fallies. The kids at school call me names like "fallie whore" or "fallie wannabe" but I don't mind, they're just blinded by stupidity and do not see the beauty of the fallies.

But i'm not completely alone, I have my best friend Peej. Although he doesn't really care about the fallies he's still my best friend (but also my only friend so...) Peej doesn't treat me like everyone else does, he'll sit and listen to me rant about the fallies and the new discoveries I make. If it weren't for Peej I would be completely alone in the cloud kingdom.

The cloud kingdom is ginormous, every cloud is a different clan. Every clan has a clan elder, Elder Lark is pretty much my worst enemy, I don't see why I can't be curious about the fallies, it's not like they're gonna eat us. Yet, Lark always finds a way to tell me that I shouldn't be curious, he says stuff like "they're dangerous" or "why care about them, they don't even know you exist" It really upsets me when he judges them like that, they did nothing wrong to you! It makes me sad to see that they're being judged for something they're not. But of course I can't fight Lark, if I do I'll be punished or sent to a new clan.  

I've always wanted to go to earth and see what it's like, one day I asked Lark about it and he said  if I, or anybody went down there we would die as soon as we step foot on the ground. After that I never really thought about it again or have wanted to go to earth. Although my love for the fallie culture has still remained and gets stronger by the day, I've never wanted to go down there since.

But a boy by the name of Daniel changed it all.


So that was the first chapter of fragile hearts. i'm so exited to write this story and I hope you guys will like it as much as I do!

Stay Alive |-/


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