Ivy (my oc)

168 3 7

(More than 1 fact)

- She was best friends with her caretaker(therapist person. Idfk). He took her out of the SCP. His name was Charred.(Char- red)
-Ivy(when she wants to be) is a badass memer
-Ivy is closest with Exotic, Sadmask, Lilith, and Misty. (Sadmask: sad-mask-chan
Lilith: RoamingOtaku
Misty: grell101)

- one time, when Jeff was making fun of sadmask for her weight... Ivy put sunglasses on and put baby powder on her hands. She shouted HEY JEFF! And when he turned around she bitch slapped him.

- Ivy Is obsessed with drawing. Especially her visions.

- before Ivy died, her neurological disorder was neurofibromatosis type 2.(picture up above explains it)

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