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A screeching sound went off, abruptly awaking me from my sleep. At first I was confused as to why I wasn't alone in my bed, but then it clicked. This wasn't my room. This wasn't my bed. I don't have a room to call my own anymore. It was Monday and I had to go to school.

Josh's arm lifted up from around my waist and swatted at the still screeching alarm clock.

"Good morning Tyler." Josh mumbled pulling me closer to him.

"Hi." I said with a small smile.

"We should probably get ready for school." Josh said while rolling away from me.

I groaned but sat up anyway.

"I'm gonna go get ready than." I said, grabbing my bag and walking into Josh's bathroom.

I pulled off my shirt and was immediately disgusted with my reflection in the mirror. I rummaged through my bag and found a roll of bandage. I've heard people saying on the internet to never use bandage to bind but this was all I had, so it would have to do.

I tightly wrapped the bandage around my top multiple times till I was sort of flat. Than pulled on one of the shirts I stole from Josh.

I pulled down the baggy sweat pants I previously had on and replaced them with black skinny jeans.

I actually could pass as a boy right now and I couldn't help but smile at that. I felt more like my self then I ever have before which made getting disowned seem a lot better than what it actually was.

I was going to come out to the school today. No matter what their reaction is it will seem insignificant to what I've already experienced. The opinion of people I never talk to anyway doesn't really matter to me at all.

I was all set to go to school, but then I remembered... I forgot my school back pack at home. Or at least what used to be my home. Shit.

"Hey uh Josh?" I called out whilst stepping out of the bathroom.

"Yeah." He said from the other side of the room. He was currently shirtless, digging in his drawers.

"I uh.. forgot my back pack at my old house. On the way to school could you maybe go up to the door and ask for it? I don't think I'm ready to see them again." I asked.

"Uh it might be hard for me too Ty. It's gonna be really hard for me not to punch both of them." Josh said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't mind it if someone got punched, as long as that some one isn't you. Wouldn't wanna ruin that pretty face of yours now would we." I giggled.

"Right, of course." Josh said with a hint of sarcasm.

He eventually got a shirt on. He reached on top of his dresser for his cologne that he wore so often. If masculinity had a scent it would be his cologne. It was a perfect mix of like ocean breeze and a woodsy smell. What ever it was it smelt great.

"Could I maybe wear some of your cologne, cause its really manly smelling and I've always wanted to smell manly and now I feel like an idiot cause like what guy just asks there friend to wear his cologne oh God I'm sorry." I rambled.

"It's okay ty, here you can have some. After school were going shopping and getting you everything you need to be as masculine as possible." Josh said tossing the bottle over to me.

"Really?" I ask, my eyes lighting up at the words josh had spoke.

"Yeah man, if you don't get stuff of your own I'm gonna end up with no clothes in my closet." Josh said jokingly.

"What ever." I muttered with a grin.

"Well it's about time we head off to school, first stop your evil stupid spawns of Satan parents house." Josh said. He always found a way to lighten the mood and turn things enjoyable.

"Let us go." I said, following him downstairs and outside to his car.

His car was great, I loved it. It was a beat up bright red 1998 Kia optima and it broke down at least once a month. We both got in a drove off to get my backpack. My old house was only a couple of blocks away so it wasn't long before we pulled into the driveway of a once inviting home.

Josh sighed before getting out of the car and walking up the path to the door.

After a few moments josh returned to the car with my backpack in hand.

"Your brother Jay had opened the door so luckily no fists had to be thrown." Josh said while handing me my bag.

I just shrugged as josh continued to drive to school.


Walking down the school hallway I felt as if everyone's eyes were on me when in reality it was just a couple of people who took notice to my appearance. Josh was no longer by my side since he had to get to a class on the other side of the building.

"Uh, nice hair cut Tay." A guy I recognized to be Brendon said, "it's kinda like the whole eleven from stranger things aesthetic, I like it."

"Uh actually it's Tyler. I'm a guy. I'm transgender." I said awkwardly. I knew Brendon well enough to know that he wouldn't care, he was a chill dude.

"" Brendon said before walking away.

I continued to make my way down the hallway to my locker.

"So Taylor,  you're like a dyke or something now?" The douche of the school, Pete wentz asked me.

"Actually I'm a guy so uh no." I answered, "it's Tyler."

"You ain't no guy. You got titties. Guys don't got titties, besides you ain't have no dick so you're a girl." Pete said in some idiotic tone.

"You're grammar skills are at the same level of the amount of fucks I give; very low and next to none." I said in a sassy tone before slamming my locker and walking away.

I made my way to my first class. Not knowing how exactly was I going to inform the teachers  to start calling me Tyler. I could be an illegal bean and hack into the system and change my name. Or I could just ask. The latter seemed like the better option.

"Sir?" I asked, raising my hand.

"What is is Taylor?" Mr. Quinn asked not really wanting to deal with me or anyone for the matter. He was that kind of teacher who was chill but also hated everyone on the not so down low.

"Um I was actually wondering if you could start identifying me as a boy and calling me Tyler." I asked loud enough so that everyone in the class could here. Why just come out to one person when you can knock out a whole classroom full of people.

"Yeah sure, I expect that your classmates will be accepting of your transition and don't act like dicks." He said, emphasizing classmates to send a message to every one in the room.

"Thanks Quinn." I said with a small smile.

"No problem Tyler, if you want I can spread the message to the other teachers for you. I have a way of getting people to listen." He said with a wink. I loved Mr Quinn. Not in a gross way but he was a great teacher. He acted like a big asshole but if you got on his good side he was amazing. He's also openly gay which was just another reason to add on to the extensive list of why he's great.

"Alright class, today we're gonna study a classic Shakespeare, King Lear!" He announced to the class.

Everyone groaned and Mr Quinn responded in his usually snarky remarks.

"Alright I mean if you'd rather write a 5000 word essay instead, that's your choice."

"Noo!" Several people complained.

"Well than stop complaining and get your text books out you little shits."

Sometimes I wondered why Mr Quinn would ever get a job in teaching, he seems to hate teenagers and just his job in general. But you do you boo, what ever floats your boat.


(Note: when I say edited it means I skimmed over and fixed the noticeable mistakes cause im a lazy shit.)

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