Silvex/Shadow | Light of My Life

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A/N: Here is pairing number 3 guys. Hope you guys enjoy.

Pairing 3: Silvex/Shadow

Shadow: CyberWolf

Silvex: SilverWolf

It was a snowy day in Adventure Bay. A wolf could be seen walking around town all alone. He was limping really bad as he has been attacked by his own wolves when they turned on him when they found out that he was gay.

On the other side of town, two huskies are play-fighting in the snow.

The wolf continued limping towards a cave on the beach and he lied down ignoring the blood that was coming out of his wounds.

The wolf thought to himself 'It would be better if a gay wolf like me just dies as no one seems to care about me' and he started crying.

?: Silvex, do you smell that?

?: Yea, Blood... Wolf Blood.

The wolf had tears running down his face as he was lying in a pool of his own blood passed out

Soon, the two huskies tracked down the wolf.

?: Jeezus, that's a lot of blood! Think he's still alive?

Silvex: Let's take him to katie's,

The two carry the wolf together to katie's place

The wolf woke up moments later and noticed two huskies standing there. "Please don't hurt me" and he backs away from them.

?: Hurt you? Boy, you are in TERRIBLE Shape!

Silvex: Don't mind him, he's loud and obnoxious.

?: HEY!

The wolf just kept backing up. "Stay away from me please. I don't want any trouble. I don't want to be betrayed anymore." And he backed all the way into the corner

?: Pipe down, you'll rip open the bandages katie applied to ya,

The wolf's eyes glowed red in anger. " And who do you think you are to tell what to do?"

?: Silvex, why are we even bothering? He clearly doesn't want any help at all.

Silvex: Go away Zilvex,

Zilvex huffed and walked out

The wolf then calmed down. "Who a-a-are you?"

Silvex: My name's Silvex, me and my brother found you passed out in a cave, we brought you here to katie's, she's a good person,

The wolf was shocked. "You helped me? But why? No one has ever cared for me before." And he lied down in the corner and started crying.

Silvex: well, I just couldn't let you die there, that's be as bad as killing you

The wolf then nodded. "Thanks Silvex. I would have been dead if it wasn't for you and your brother." He sighs "I only wished that my pack was like you."

Silvex: Pack? I assume your pack threw you out then?

The wolf nodded. "Even though I was the alpha, they attacked me for being gay and no they didn't throw me out. I left"

Silvex: Gay? Huh, we don't have a lot of gays here in Adventure Bay, even though the mayor has made it illegal to discriminate gays,

The wolf laughed "It's not like that out in wolf territory. Any gay wolf that has been ousted must be killed. That the way the wolf code works Silvex. They hate GAYS!"

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