Chapter 3

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 Throughout the day you saw Jones struggle to stay awake and eventually the two of you went and got a coffee, getting him to wake up a little bit but not much. However, the cookie you brought for him did cheer him up. Luckily, you guys didn't have a case to worry about.

Whenever you were alone, a few other cops that noticed how exhausted he was asked you about the situation.

You simply told them that he had a rough night and that was it.

That night, Jones dreaded going back to sleep, thinking he was going to have another nightmare.

With a deep sigh, Jones closed his eyes, and eventually fell asleep. Which wasn't hard due to how tired he was all day.

--- In the Nightmare ---

"Ah, here we are at last, (Your Rank) (Y/N). Did you like my little game? I sure enjoyed it!" Tess smirked from across the table.

"So you're our killer, Tess. Or should we call you the Rorschach Reaper?" Jones questioned.

"Unimaginative name, but what can I do? No one asked for my opinion." Tess rolled her eyes. "I must say, you've taken your time to catch me. You can even say I made you a favor. Had I not decided to kill Madison myself, you would have never known."

"So why did you do it, Tess? Why kill all those people? Why influence other girls to do your dirty work? Why reveal yourself now?" Jones asked.

"I guess, in the end, everything boils down to one simple reason. What's the point of being brilliant if no one knows about it?" Tess continued to smirk as she brought her pendulum out and began waving it in Jones' face.

"But you wouldn't know about being brilliant, would you, Officer Jones? (Your Rank) (Y/N)'s dog, always following, always praising, always failing...It's unbearable, isn't it?" She continued.

"What are you doing!?" You questioned her as you looked back and forth from her to Jones.

"Living in (Your Rank) (Y/N)'s shadow, being endlessly scolded for failing to meet their standards... So much frustration, Officer Jones...It has to stop, hasn't it?" She ignored you and continued.

"Jones..." You muttered, turning to him fully and watched as his eyes continued to follow her pendulum.

"It can't go on forever, it has to stop now. Now and forever. And there's only one thing to do. The right thing." Tess said.

"The right... thing... to do..." Jones muttered before standing up and holding his gun at you

You got up as well and held your hands in a 'surrender' position at chest level. You didn't even think about grabbing your own gun that you had on your hip.

"Jones, don't." You said, now worried. "You don't want to do this."

"Yes you do, Officer Jones." Tess said. "It's the right thing to do."

"No it isn't." You said, shaking your head. "Jones, you'll ruin both of our lives if you pull that trigger. Probably even more than just us. Do you really want that?"

"The right...thing..." He muttered and you saw him take his gun off of safety. Your eyes widened slightly and you felt your heart start to beat fast.


"Jones..." You breathed. "Please, buddy. Snap out of it! You wouldn't hurt your best friend and partner."

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