Episode 4

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A few days later
Cleo POV

I haven't seen my friends in ages and I have been really unwell lately and have missed my period and starting to think I am pregnant, I have decided to go and visit my Mum who lives in Brisbane.

Few hours later

I had told Dad, Sam and Kim that I was going to visit my Mum. I then decided I was going to visit Zayn to let him know and so that he could tell everyone.

I am now in Brisbane and talking with my Mum and she has just gone to get the test. Just as Mum returns Emma calls and tells ne she has a surprise and then I let her know that I have gone to Brisbane to see Mum for awhile and that I told Zayn to tell you guys.

I have now completed the test which has come back positive, so Mum and I have decided to return to the Gold Coast and let Dad, Sam and Kim know. I am still thinking about how to tell Lewis I am pregnant and the fact he is going to be a father.

When we returned I walked into Ricki's and saw all my friends and fiance talking while facing the other way so I snuck up to them and scared them. Then Lewis said he wanted to talk to me privately and that is when I decided to tell him about me pregnant and then he just kissed and hugged me and said he had bought a house for us. I then asked if I could see the house and he said sure.

Lewis POV

I am so excited I am going to be a father in about 6 months and am going to married soon. I then decided to ask Cleo when we should get married and then she said that she wants to get married as soon as possible so that she is married without showing to much. I then said what about in two weeks on Saturday about 3pm on the beach. She just nodded her head in agreement and then asked about a honeymoon. Then I said we can go wherever you want to go and how ever long you want to go. I said let's just go to a private beach resort near hear and spend a few weeks to ourselves.

We then arrived and when she walked inside she was shocked with excitement as I could see the big smile on her face and that made me really happy.

Once we had looked through the place she said she would speak to her family and try to move in as soon as possible and let everyone know about the wedding. Then I asked who she wanted to invite and then she responded by saying only close friends and family as she wanted it to be quite small.

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