Part 5

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Jack was pinned against the wall by Jake.  

"Listen here, little boy, I run this place and your gonna listen to me," he started to threaten him, "I rule above you, unless you wanna fight the school's star quarterback." 

"Child please, if I wanted to fight you you'd be unconscious already." Everyone in the cafeteria was watching them closely, very closely. He scoffed in Jack's face.

"If anyone is the child here it's you, Jack." He was back to threatening Jack, again. Though Jack didn't seem scared, like he's been through worse. 

"Why aren't you scared of me?" He snapped in his face. That looked way to close for comfort.

"I'm not scared dumbass, because I've seen worse and felt worse than this. And don't get in my face." Jack said pissing off Jake even more. Jake swung. When Jake swung Jack bit his hand and he let go of him while calling him a bitch. Shoving himself off the wall into Jake, he looked at you.  Jake kicked Jack in the stomach as he punched Jake in the side. Getting punched a few more times in the side and once in the face, Jack seemed to snap and started to punch and punch Jake in the face. After a few times you grabbed his arm, stopping him from hitting Jake again. You didn't feel bad for Jake but you did feel bad for Jack since his hand would start bleeding soon. Lightly, you pulled him back, he seemed let you pull him away from Jake. The whole cafeteria was silent. They all had watched Jake get the shit beat out of himself by the new kid. Everyone seemed to avoid eye contact with Jack, well everyone besides you. Not saying anything you pulled him away from everyone. He wasn't focused on where you were taking him. You pulled him close to the choir room door which had a wall next to it. You two ducked behind that wall.

"What just happened?" was all you asked Jack as you took his hand in yours looking at it. Blood was oozing from his knuckles, because of how hard he hit Jake. You wouldn't be surprised if Jake had a concussion from that or was at least unconscious. Jack did say if he wanted to fight him he would already be unconscious.

"I don't know what just happened," he was looking at you his black eyes almost piercing your soul. He was cute, very cute. That was all he did, just look into your eyes probably waiting for a reaction.

"Well, I can tell you this. You scared the living shit out of most of the students here, and mainly Jake. No one has ever done what you did, well never in the years I've been up here." You lightly laughed to yourself. You had always lived in that house in the woods and gone to this school. Slowly you had started to walk him over to a water fountain to wash the blood off his hand. No one got in your way at all. Standing at the water fountain you heard people whispering, you probably knew what they were whispering about. Sticking his hand under the cold, clear water the blood ran off slightly tinging the water a crimson red. He did not protest to this at all, he just stood there watching your every move and staring at you. Never did you realize the bell had rang for your next class which was English. You hadn't noticed Jack grab your books in his left hand, which he used to beat the shit out of Jake. Walking to your locker someone shoulder slammed you and ran away. Of course someone would do that then run away. I'm walking next to Jack Nichols. You opened your locker and set your pre calculus book in the locker. English was as boring as ever, nothing ever really happened. Yet, something did happen during English. Jack got called to the office but returned before class ended. You only had 5 periods a day at school. Most people would count you lucky, but you would count yourself lucky. 

Walking back to you locker with Jack he asked you a question: "Are you doing anything later? Like after school." He asked so strangely, like he had a plan. A plan already in his head if you said yes.

"No not that I know of. Why? Do you want to hangout?" He nodded as you handed him his world history and pre calculus book, "Okay then, when do you wanna hangout and where?" After you asked him this he seemed to think for a moment.

"How about your house and after school so you can help me with pre cal. I was so confused in that class," he said slightly laughing at himself. You noticed that his hand was looking slightly better, no more blood coming out.

"Sure, but first I need to talk to a friend of mine." He nodded an okay as you shut the locker. Never in your wildest dreams you'd make a male friend at school. Especially not a cute, handsome boy. It was 1 o'clock, four hours till your parents came home. Running into her you saw your best friend of 10 years. You met when your parents introduced you when you were only 4, you've been the greatest of friends since then.

"Hey, Brinna. Sorry about last night and throwing up in your bathroom," you said very quickly. She looked down at you with her green eyes, you never noticed until now the light brown ring around the irises on her eyes. 

"It's fine, (Y/n). I got it cleaned up, but next time you do that I'm gonna make you clean it up before you sneak out my window," she joked with you. You knew she was joking because she was that type of friend who, if your injured, will do anything for you. She flipped her long brown hair out of her face so she could look at me better. 

"Well you know I'll just end up throwing up again," she nodded like she already knew that, "Anyways what was that thing that you wanted to show me?" She looked like she'd completely forgot about it, then she remember and made and 'O' shape with her mouth and handed you a piece of paper. You took it of course and put it in your back pocket.

"Here take this. Look this up when you get home and are by yourself," you nodded okay, "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye (Y/n)." She said and walked away, probably to head home. She lived on the other side of town in the woods. A deep green, dense forest surrounded your town. There was two ways out, the highway that cut right down the middle of town, SR 18. It was actually a mediumly quiet town, nothing really ever happened. There was stores and fast food restaurants. They were honestly thinking about putting in a shopping mall in but they would have to take some of the woods down and it was to dense for that. Jack walked out of the school right behind you.

"We have to go and get my little brother from the Elementary before we go to my house, if that's okay with you?" You said slightly turning your head to look at him.

"Yeah it is fine," you started to walk silently, again after he said that. Well, until he said this: "Do you have a boyfriend?" A taken back by his sudden question, you looked at him in disbelieve. 

"N-No, I don't have a boyfriend." You said still stunned.

He seemed to notice you being stunned so he just said this: "Okay that's nice to know," he started to walk away when you both got to the elementary, "Oh wait, can I have your phone number? My dad wants me home right now." You nodded a yeah towards him. Taking out and handing you his phone you put your number into it. Waving good bye to him as he walked away Joe came running out towards you, happy that the week was over. Half way on the walk home your phone vibrated in your back pocket. It was an unknown phone number. Staring at the number you instantly realized it was Jack's number. Feeling really stupid you laughed lightly at yourself.

'Hey, (Y/n)'

'Hey Jack, what are you doing?'

'Walking home. I'm almost there, my dad is such ass some days'


'Gtg I'll text you later if you are awake'

'Okay have fun Jack. Don't get in trouble'  You ended the conversation with that and black screened your phone. Setting in back in your back pocket you arrived at your house. While you were fishing your lanyard out of your backpack Joe stood patiently at the door. You unlocked the door and Joe ran inside, as you walk inside you mentally prepared yourself for the weekend.

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