Part 3

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Waking up to your alarm was wonderful. Your are just glad it is Friday. It was 5:30 am. You always wake up before Joe so you can get his lunch for school made, your backpack and school books together. Same with his stuff. Getting up out of bed carefully, not to wake Joe, you grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. Changing out of your navy blue sweatpants and blood red sports bra and underwear you in your beige bra and (f/c) underwear. Sliding on your black, ripped skinny jeans you looked in the mirror. For the first time in a long time your hair didn't need a real brushing. You zipped and buttoned up your jeans. You never realized how thin you were until you looked in the mirror again, it probably was because of all the hiking, walking, and running you do. You pulled on a white tanktop and a black jacket. Quickly you brushed your teeth and combed your hair. Going into the kitchen you made Joe a lunch to take with him which consisted of: a ham sandwich, an apple, 5 cookies, a granola bar, a pack of fruit snacks and a bottle of water with a grape water flavor packet. You set his lunch next to his backpack which you got together very quickly. His math homework was done, so was his spelling and english. So you walked into your room and woke him up.

"Five more minutes please, sissy?" he whined trying to hide his eyes from the bright light in my room.

"No, it's almost 7 and we have to walk to school. Mom and dad are at work." He grunted at your statement and got out of bed, pouting. As he walked into his room to get dressed you got your school books together. You were a Junior in highschool, so you couldn't drive. Grabbing your anatomy book and pre calculus book. You started to walk out without your phone. You realized this as you were about to leave the house. Once again you had to grab your phone and keys since your parents won't be home until 5. Joe was waiting by the door patiently for you. Snagging your phone and lanyard you quickly walked out shutting lights off and locking the windows. Joe said nothing to the window locking. You both started walking out the front door. You locked it behind you and started your 15 minute walk to school. Knowing you would get there at 7:40, because you have to walk another 10 minutes to the high school. You started to eat a light snack before school, of course sharing with Joe. Almost halfway to the high school, after dropping Joe off at the middle school, there was rustling in the woods. A boy about your age, 17, came out of the woods running. He accidentally ran into you. THUD! You both hit the ground. You drop your books and backpack. He looked up at you instantly with a sorry face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. I just don't know where I'm going." He looked really sorry.

"It's okay. I didn't realize someone ran into me until you said something. I thought I ran into a tree," you said this trying to make him not feel so bad, "Anyways, what is your name?"

He looked at you and nervously said, "My name is Jack Nichols." You liked that name. You looked at him a little more and noticed his skin was a greyish pale skin color. His copper-like colored hair hung around his face. Bangs hung in his black eyes. 

"That's nice names my name's (Y/n) (L/n), nice to meet you Jack. Where are you heading?" He smiled slightly when you said he had a nice name.

"I'm heading to Westfield High School. Do you know where that is?" He asked standing up and helping you up as well, after you grabbed your books.

"I'm heading there myself. I go to school there. Would you like to walk with me?" You asked him not wanting him to get lost on the way there. He nodded and gestured for you to lead the way. As you started to walk Jack followed you closely. You finished the rest of the walk to Westfield High. He walked inside the school followed by you. Jack walked into the office probably getting his schedule since he was new. A new student with only a month left of school? That's weird. You walked to your locker, 666. People made fun of you because you had the demon locker. No one was in locker 665 so he probably would be put there. You unlocked your locked which had a padlock on it not the tradition combo lock. Opening your locker you grabbed your World History book and put your pre calculus book in there. Checking the time on your phone you saw you only had 5 minutes till school started. You tossed your backpack in the locker, shut and locked it. Walking to class you noticed Jack looking confused.

"Where do you need to go?" you asked him startling him a little bit.

"World history in room 219. Do you know where that is?" You nodded and gestured him to follow you into class. Walking in people looked at you, probably because you had the new student following you and you were later than normal. The teacher gestured you towards your new seat which was in the back next to a few empty desks.

"Ah, the new student is here. Please introduce yourself to the class, just your name and an interesting thing about you." The teacher Mr. Flake said towards Jack. Jack looked nervous, very nervous.

"Hi, my name is Jack Nichols. Um, an interesting thing about me is um, my skin color is grey because when I was a child my house burnt down and the ash covered my skin and my skin was permanently colored grey." He said all of that very fast, he also stumbled over his words a couple of times. His obvious nervousness caused a few popular girls to laugh at him. You may have barely known him but those girls laughing at him made your blood boil. You hadn't realized Jack sit in a desk next to you. All you could focus on the the two popular girls, Nina and Jane. 

"He is so weird and so ugly. I mean like he looks smart and that, but god look at his eyes," Jane was saying to Nina, "I mean they are black." 

"Yeah I mean for once I feel sorry for the little bitch back there." Nina snobbily said. Oh, how you hated them. They were such bitches to you. Class started and we were studying WWII. You would talk to Jack because it was very boring, you already knew a lot about WWII and Adolf Hitler. THe bell rang signaling class is over. Quickly you got up and went to anatomy with Jack since he had the same schedule as you. Anatomy was as fun as usual. Always consisted of girls screaming at the dead and frozen rats. It could have been worse for them, they could have been alive. Jack seemed to get a kick out of them screaming in fear, and the whole class in general. After anatomy you and Jack had a free period so you two decided to sit outside. It was a nice cool fall day out. The leaves were changing colors, into the usual brown, red and yellow colors. Taking off your jacket you felt the cool autumn breeze hitting your skin. Oh how you loved the fall. Never did you notice Jack staring at you the whole time you two sat there.  When it was the next passing period both of you got up and walked to pre calculus. Realizing you forgot your book you showed Jack to the class room and told him you'd be right back. Quickly you walked to your locker. Unlocking your locker you threw your world history and anatomy book in there. Taking your pre calculus book from your locker you ran to class. The sounds of your high black converse hitting the ground echoed through the halls. You stepped inside your classroom a few seconds before the bell rang starting class. Soon the bell for lunch rang and you, followed by Jack, went to the cafeteria.

"So, do you have money to get lunch?" Jack looked confused by your question so you assumed he didn't have money. Pulling out a five from your back pocket you paid for Jack and yours lunch. Sitting down at a table you both started eating. It was lasagna day, yay... Soon you saw Jake walking over to your table. Hooray, the school jackass. You could tell his eyes weren't set on you, but on Jack. The tall, muscular, black haired, tan boy came over. He instantly grabbed Jack, you knew what was gonna happen. Jake was gonna scare Jack, letting him know Jake was the alpha male here. Yet, something told you Jack wasn't gonna let that happen to him...

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