Part 14

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You woke in a cold sweat. The image of your little brother fresh in your mind. Shaking, you began to stand up. Pain shot through your left leg and your head. It seemed to stretch all the way up your leg into your already pounding head. The scenes in your dream kept replaying in your head so loudly you didn't hear the door creak open.

"Look who is finally awake, dear little (Y/n)." A mocking voice came from the darkness that surrounded you.

"Who is there?" You yelled out into the darkness hoping either the lights would turn on or he would speak, but there was nothing. "Hello?" You tried again, still nothing. Suddenly a light flickered on that momentarily blinded you.

"Finally, the fun may begin." A crooked voice announced that was followed by cackling laughter. Opening your eyes to the light and letting them adjust you saw a freak of a man. He had medium length black hair, coal black eyes, teeth like fangs and a skin so pale it looked like bone. He reminded you of a demon, but he resembled the fictional vampires too. Before you knew it your wrists were chained up above your head as your body slacked to the ground, still exhausted from a fitful sleep. Looking up into his coal-black eyes the only thing you saw in them was anger and hatred. Fear slowly started to take over as your limbs started to shake ever so slightly. 

You wanted to scream as he plunged the knife into your calf for the second time but no noise would come out. He had been going at this for the past, what felt like, 4 hours. He kept asking strange questions, about my heritage and who my real parents were. I was adopted of course I wouldn't know who they are, they gave me up for a reason. The only thing you knew was that you were slightly Irish. It all started with small slightly deep cut enough to draw blood but not enough to make you bleed to death. 

"Where are your ancestors from?" He asked once again, his hot breath fanning onto your face.

"I already told you! I believe I'm partly Irish, maybe Scottish." You screamed at him, your throat was starting to hurt from all the screaming.

"Now, it's time to break you," he started laughing maniacally.

"Break what?" You asked again trying to squash the rising panic in your throat.

"What am I going to break?" he asked in a teasing tone, "I'm going to break your spirit, mind, and heart. Slowly, so slowly that you ask me to end it all to stop your suffering." There was no stopping the rising panic slamming into you at full force.

"Why?" That was the only word you were able to get out before a panic attack started. Feeling your chest constrict and tighten caused your breathing to become short fast breaths. Your limbs started to shake as your legs moved up into your chest causing breathing to become harder to do. 

"Do you want to know why? I'll tell you why I want to break you so Eyeless Jack can feel pain, so Slenderman can know he failed his promise, and so your brother can feel the pain of seeing his broken and lifeless sister. Finally, I want to break you so you will be mine!" The conviction in his voice was the thing that scared you the most. He started to laugh maniacally once again which turned slowly into hacking coughs. Fear. That is the only emotion you could feel right now, nothing else. As he ripped out the knife once again you screamed, you scream loud hoping someone, anyone would hear you. Looking to where he once stood you realized no one was there anymore. Before you knew it tears were flooding from your eyes once again, a choking sob erupted from your mouth before you could stop it. You started pleading to any God out there that would listen to you to keep your brother safe from them and to keep you safe. 

Tears, it was just tears and choking sobs until a black void enveloped your vision and you fell into the void once again.

May I Have Your Kidneys? (Eyeless Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now