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Arthur and Kiku have been dating for over 7 weeks. Kiku was really shy when they're being lovey dovey in public. Arthur thinks it was really adorable since he's all blushing and flustered.

The two lovebirds were having some time by themselves in the garden. Alfred smiled as he stared at them from afar."Hmm.. Look at them.. So cute and happy.."Alfred hummed. Matthew walked up to him and followed his gaze."Alfred, stop spying on them already."Matthew joked with a chuckle. The American was shocked and turned to his brother."The hell? I-I'm not spying on them! I was uh.."He tried to think of an excuse. "..Keeping an eye on them.. Who knows?an Evil villain might kidnap Kiku and leave Arthur helpless there and begs for me to save Kiku and.. And.. I'm here so I could punch that villain and become the hero I am!"Matthew laughed."Alfred, stop making up stories.. C'mon.. Mom and dad are here.Along with Arthur's mom..."Alfred's face lit up."Really?"The American said in excitement. "Yes. I told dad that Arthur is here. You should tell him to go inside, they're are waiting"Matthew said and walked back into the mansion.

Alfred from afar yelled."ARTHUR! KEEKS! GET INSIDE! MY PARENTS ARE HERE! ARTHUR YOUR MOM IS HERE TOO!"The two got up from their seats in shock."Oh.. Cmon, let's get inside.."Arthur said and held Kiku's hand as they walked to the mansion.


There, they saw a man with blonde hair with blue eyes sitting on the couch.Beside him was a woman with long wavy blande hair and violet eyes. 'Must be Alfred's and Matthew's parents..'Kiku thought as they both approached them.

"Arthur, my dear!"A woman with short blonde hair with green eyes smiled.'she has the same eyes as Arthur's'Kiku thought. He never seen Arthur's mom before.. Since, the driver picks him up from school often. "Hello.. Mother.."The Brit said, looking up at the British lady."Oh, I've missed you."The woman smiled and embraced Arthur into a hug."How are your studies in America?"The woman asked with a soft smile."It's fine, Mother.No need to worry."
"Oh, I've been so busy lately.. I'm sorry for not spending time with you."She said in a sad tone."It's alright.. I understand.. How's father doing?"
"He's fine."

Alfred elbowed Arthur softly as he whispered."Kiku."in his ear.Before Arthur could speak up, his mother already glanced towards the Japanese."My, my.. Who is this?"She asked, with a questioning look."Arthur's husba-Ow! Hey!"Before Alfred could finished, Arthur pinched him."Shut the bloody hell up, Alfred!"Arthur hissed.
"M-my name is Kiku Honda.."kiku said nervously."And?"Alfred sounded."Alfred!"Matthew quietly said."Whattt?"
"A-And he's my boyfriend."Arthur sighed. The whole room got quiet.Arthue looked up at his mother,she showed a shock expression."Mother, I'm--"

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!"She exclaimed and walked towards Kiku and hugged the tiny Japanese man."Wot.."Arthur sounded."Oh, my little Arthur has finally grown up~"She said, letting go of Kiku."I'm so lucky to have another son! Welcome to the family, dear!"She smiled."W-What?"Arthur blushed madly."Of course Arthur would fall for you, you're so cute!"She chuckled. Kiku blushed hearing her words."Ano..."

"We're so happy for you Arthur.."Matthew's mother chuckled."M-Mrs. Williams!"Arthur blushed."I told you to call me Aunt Catherine"She winked.
"We'll be going now..."Mr. Jones sounded, getting up."Where to now?"Alfred asked."A business trip.. We're kinda busy now, Alfie. I'm sorry.. I'll send presents as always."Mr. Jones smiled."Alright dad. I'll see you later on."Alfred sighed."Hey.. Don't be sad. I'll call you when I have free time."The man smiled. His wife gave a big hug to both of them as they leave.

"Anyway, I have to go too.."Arthur's mother sounded."I'm going to China."
"What? A business trip again?"
"Yes. I'm sorry Arthur.I'm very busy!"she frowned."It's alright mother. I understand."He smiled."Alright. I'll be going now. I'll see you in the future, Arthur, Kiku"
The Japanese looked up at her."You."She poked Kiku's nose softly and playfully. "Are one of the Kirkland family now"She winked. Kiku blushed."N-nani?"
"Mother!"Arthur said as he tried to hide his blush."What? It's true."she chuckled."Who knows? You might marry him someday."She teased as she walked away.

"I hope my mother what right.."He mumbled,"About?"Kiku said in a questioning tone."About the marriage thing."
"W-what?"Kiku blushed."Is it wrong that I want to marry you, hm?"Arthur gave a charming smirk.Kiku blushed and walked away, blushing brightly."S-shut up..."Kiku said, still flustered."I know you want me love~"Arthur said.Kiku blushed."B-Baka Asa-san!"
The Brit laughed, but he really wanted to marry the cute Japanese~

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