I Will Always Love You

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A/N;this probably sucks.. Anyway enjoy

Arthur sighed, looking out of the window. He, Alfred and Kiku were going out to see Lovino for a while.(Alfred needs to apologize for wrecking the kitchen)."Ano.. Arthur-san, are you alright?"Kiku sounded, looking up worriedly at the Brit. Arthur turned to him with a hum."Of course.."He responds with a smile."are you sure?"Kiku said, his eyes shining in the light. Arthur blushed when their eyes met.Arthur aimed for the other's lips."Ya know, if you wanna make out just do it in front of me. I won't mind~"Alfred sounded, ruining the moment. Arthur took a deep breath and smacked him.



They arrived at a simple household.The three walked to the front door and knocked softly."Lovino?"Alfred sounded."Open the door! It's not locked!"Lovino sounded, grunting. Alfred opened the door and manage to dodge a ladle that was coming to his face."Burger bastard! How can you dodge that?!"Lovino sounded.Alfred shrugged as they walked in."Anyway, what the hell do you want now? Wreck my house?"Lovino said bitterly, looking away."Sorry dude.. It was an accident"Alfred pleaded and showed the italian his puppy eyes where he earned a smack."GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"Arthur was chuckling quietly as Kiku elbowed him to keep him shut.

"Brother? What's with the noise?"another voice sounded as they turned to a male that looked the same as Lovino."Feliciano-kun!"Kiku sounded. Felicino gave a confused look."Do I know you?"Kiku smiled softly."Its me, Kiku!"He said,pointing at himself."Kiku! Woah.. You're in America. I thought you're studying in Japan?"
"I am. I'm with Alfred here on a vacation."Feliciano nodded."You know each other?"Lovino asked."Si.. Kiku and I are friends from tuition.I remember that we're little kids..like 8 or 11."Feliciano smiled."Oh.."Lovino mumbled."Oh..I remember now..You're that weird anime girl kid that hangs out with Feli and potato bastard after tuition.."Lovino said."You don't know him?"Alfred sounded."No. I don't go to fucking tuition."
"kiku~~~I miss you~"Feliciano said and hugged Kiku tightly, lifting him off he ground. "I miss you too!"Kiku said, hugging him back.

Arthur stared at them with a bang of jealousy in his heart."A-anyway.. Should we go now? I mean..."
"Nah dude.. I wanna hang out with my favorite pastry chef more! Cmon lovino! Let's go somewhere cuz we need to hang out more!"Alfred said.
"WHAT THE HELL NO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME GAHHH!"Alfred was dragging him away out of the house."Stay here! I'll be back later on!"Alfred yelled and threw the grumpy Italian into the car and entered the car himself before driving off..

"Ne, Kiku. Have you been in contact with Ludwig lately?"Feliciano asked, looking down at his short friend."No.. I don't think so.. I haven't seen Ludwig for such a long time."Kiku sighed. Feliciano nodded."Did you know that me and Ludwig are in the same college!"Kiku smiled."Really?"
"Si! Even his brother, Gilbert is with us!"

Arthur stood there with a confused look. He certainly didn't know who they were talking about. "Anyway, I really miss you! You didn't even contact me."Feliciani pouted playfully."I was busy in school.."Kiku poked the other's nose. Arthur's eye twitched. Kiku never poked his nose playfully like that before in public. Arthur sighed.
"Oh I forgot.. This is Arthur Kirkland..He's my.. Uhm.. 'Friend'."Feliciano smiled and grab Arthur's hand."Nice to meet you, Veh! I'm Feliciano Vargas! I'm Kikus' friend!"He smiled sweetly. Arthur gave a nervous laugh."O-oh.. nice to meet you too, Feliciano. You and Kiku are very.. Uhm.. Close with each other.."
Feliciano wrapped his arm around Kiku and smiled."Si!"Arthur bit his lip and grab Kikus hand."Uhm..Kiku.. Are you tired?"
"Feliciano, where's the living room?"Arthur asked, cutting Kiku off. He was so jealous right now he could hear Alfred teasing him."Ve~~It's there, you can rest there and I'll make pasta!"

Kiku and Arthur walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch.Arthur was still holding his hand tight, looking away."Arthur?"Kiku sounded."You can.. Let go of my hand now."Kiku said, shyly. Arthur's grip was soften."I.. I want to stay like this for a while."Arthur whispered.

"Ve! Kiku! Arthur!"Feliciano sounded and serve them pasta.Kiku smiled warmly as Feliciano sat down beside him."Here! Let me feed you!"Kiku blushed."N-no need! I can eat it myself!"
"But Kiku"
"Feli-kun.. N-no"Kiku said, but Feliciano shoved the fork into Kikus mouth. The Asian almost choked.He slowly chewed and swallowed."I can do it myself."Kiku said."Oh.. Okay.. I remember when we're in tuition, I fed Kiku with my pasta"
"O-of course.."Kiku smiled. Arthur tighten his grip on Kikus hand. "Anyway.. Here's one for Arthur! Eat up!"Feliciano sounded and stood up, carrying the plate of spaghetti before accidentally tripping and the pasta was all over the Brit.
"Oh for the love of-"
"SORRY! IM SORRY!"Feliciano sounded and started to tear up. "It's alright-"
"Kikuuuuu" Feliciano already flung himself to the Japanese male."Waahhh!! I'm so sorry!"Feliciano cried. Arthur stared at the other with his eye twitching."I'll go clean up."Arthur murmured quietly and walked away to the bathroom.

He began to clean his clothes from all the pasta sauce and out from his hair."Ugh.. Why did I agree coming here anyway?!"Arthur murmured angrily.

Arthur walked out to the living room again and sat beside Kiku who was trying to comfort his friend."Ano..Feli-kun. You can stop crying now"Kiku sighed,, Feliciano sniffed and wiped his tears away."O-okay.."The Italian looked up at Arthur."Sorry, Arthur."Feliciano said and looked down to the floor."Whatever.."Arthur mumbled.

Not so long after that, Feliciano was back to his cheerful self."Ve~ Kiku! I want to show you something in my room"Feliciano said, getting up from his seat.Arthur twitched. "Iie.. No need to.. I rather stay here with Arthur."The Italian frowned."But, Kiku.. It'll worth it! I promise!"Feliciano pouted and grab the other's arm, almost dragging him away. Kiku was protesting but Feli managed to dragged him away. Arthur was about to reach for Kikus hand but Feliciano and himnwere already further upstairs.
"That bloody git"

Arthur growled. Slowly, he creep to the door and try to listen what theyre saying. Kiku was giggling and Feliciano was talking about something until he heard something fell. Arthur quickly slam open the door to see Feliciano on top of Kiku.
"F-FELI!"Kiku blushed, trying to shove the other away."Kiku is so cute like this!"Feliciano said before Arthur yelled."WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ON TOP OF MY KIKU"
Feliciano gave a confused look."Huh?"
The Italian trembled in fear and got off as Kiku ran towards Arthur to calm him down."Calm down, Arthur-san!"Kiku said, holding the other's hands tightly."How can I calm down after seeing you like that with him!"Arthur said, his face softened."It was an accident. He tripped over something"
"Really?"Arthur said, looking deep into the other's eyes."Yes."
"Or maybe because he did it on purpose and wanted you to be alone so he could do whatever the bloody hell, is that it?"
"Arthur, no. It's all just a-"
"Well, he can't cause you're mine."He said, pulling the other into a hug. Feliciano walked towards them and tapped Arthur's shoulder."What?"
"U-uhm.. Sorry for messing things up with my misunderstandings. I'm clumsy and I didn't spill the pasta on purpose."He said."I'm very sorry for being such a clumsy idiot and falling over Kiku like that."Arthur frowned."Wait.. So you're saying you're not trying to take kiku away from me?"
Feliciano giggled."Of course not! Besides, I have someone else!"He smiled. Arthur hides his face into Kikus hair."Were you jealous?"Feliciano sounded "no.. Shut up."
"It's okay.. Everyone's jealous sometimes.!"Feliciano chuckled as Arthur blushed redder.

"Ano.. May I ask.."Kiku suddenly spoke."Who's your special someone."
"Don't tell anybody"Feliciano said."Especially Lovi.."
"Uhm.. OK."
"I kinda like Ludwig for a while now."Kikus smile widen."Really?!"

"WAIT THAT POTATO BASTARD?!"They turned to the door to see Lovino and Alfred."HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!"Arthur sounded."From when you started to admit you're jealous."



Alfred, Kiku and Arthur left the house and back to he mansion. On the way home, Alfred couldn't stop teasing Arthur about how jealous he was and earned a few smacks on the way home.

A/N:Well.. I'm not gonna be active much because I have internet problems... But I'll try to publish more!

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