Chapter 14

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Maceys pov.

I laughed as he left the shop in a panic. I think he was starting to fall for me! Today we laughed loads and had such a great time shopping for the baby.. I kept him out purposely to be late for his date with Kailee.. eventually they will break up..and he will be mine!!

Kailees pov.

I glanced down at my iphone... 6.. ive been waiting here for harry for an hour! This was ridiculous. to busy spending time with that girl!

I text Liam.

"Hey.. Mind picking me up?" He replies "sure where are you ? i thought you were on a date with Harold!" I roll my eyes and reply. "No.. he stood me up. ive been waiting for an hour.. Hes with macey. And im at the beach.."

I wait and he replies again "i swear with him! does he want me to kill him.. i swear if he breaks your heart.. i will!!! And okay coming soon. "

I hear someone panting and i turn around and see harry running towards me. I groan. ..

"time for some lame excuse.. don't want to hear it" i say and turn around.

"no please listen! i just ran all the way here from the ice cream shop!" He yells.


"god dam-it! i wasnt .. she wanted ice cream" He said.

"Of course.. anything for your baby momma "i mumble.

"kailee.. it was an accident.. i got so caught up with the time- " i cut him off. "That you forgot about me again" I whisper now turning to face him tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm.. really sorry.. kailee.. " He whispers.. "Save it" i say and run off the beach towards liams car.

----Harrys pov.

I watch her run off to the familiar blue car.. i kick the sand. "GOD DAMIT!" I yell.

Why does this always happen to me ? She never ever lets me finish my story! She always runs off.. She promised she would stand by me no matter what..

My phone rings and its macey.

"Hello . . " i answer coldly. "What happened? " She asks. "Kailee is what fucking happened" I yell.

"Wanna come over and talk?" She asks. ."Uh.. i guess " i hang up.

----Kailees pov.

After a long nice shower I was refreshed and awake.. I sit down on the couch and stare at the front door..

waiting for it to open. .waiting for a sad Harry to walk in.. me to jump into his arms.. and him to kiss me all night.. but i know that wont happen.. it never happens like that. A tear rolls down my cheek and the door opens.

My head shots up and its Louis. "Hey honey wipe those tears i brought us some alcohol!!" He yells. I smile and grab the bottle of vodka and start chugging it.. i needed this.

"Calm it!" Liam laughs. "Hell no.. the only way the pain will go away .. is drinking!" I yell. They all laugh.


After 3 hours im completly drunk.. and about to pass out..

---Harrys pov.

i pull into the driveway of our house and get out.. its 2 in the morning. .so everyone should be sleeping. i slip in the house quietly and see kailee asleep on the floor.. tear stained cheeks. I pick her up and she wreaks like vodka i carry her to my bedroom and lightly place her on the bed.

"Harry" She whispers. "hm" I look over "I'm sorry .... i ugh.. need .. " She goes back to sleep..

I take off my shirt and slip into bed.

Then a minute later she starts to kiss me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "if.. we do this.. ill be pregnant.. have baby.. .cant leave me" she slurrs out. she was obviously not in the right state of mind right now..

Then i thought .. ...

She started to strip me.. and then herself.. and before i knew it.. i took her virginity.. while she was drunk..

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