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(y/n) wiped the egg away with her sleeve, making Leorio grimace with disgust.
"Haha, Mister, that was funny!" Gon exclaimed, laughing. Killua covered his mouth, giggling hysterically- though (y/n) suspected that it was for very different reasons.

The Kurta beside her smiled, his brows furrowed. "Gon, (y/n) is a girl," he explained.
(y/n) nodded furiously, pointing at what was supposed to be her breasts. "Yeah, I'm clearly a woman! So quit calling me Mister!" she said determinedly.
Leorio didn't look convinced. "Are you sure about that?" he muttered, peering at her chest.
Killua poked it. "Looks pretty flat to me," he announced loudly.

"W-what?! Don't be such a-a-a pervert." (y/n) stuttered defensively, slapping his hand away.
Killua smirked. "There's nothing interesting to look at, so why would I be one?"
The female stumbled for words.
Gon rubbed his neck, his brain finally able to process the fact.
"Ah, sorry about that," he said, chuckling. "I really did think you were a boy, (y/n)- san. Perhaps it was your clothes."
(y/n) looked taken aback. That was probably the final straw.
"Arghhh, to hell with it!" she shrieked, moving to pull her top off. "I'll show you just how much of a woman I am!"

Killua gulped, his grin quickly fading to horror, while Leorio and Gon tried to restrain her. Kurapika, who was holding his head in his hands through this pointless banter of gender mysteries tensed. (y/n) turned to meet startled eyes.
"W-wait. Let's think this over." Kurapika hastily said, his hands attempting to hold her back.

(y/n) struggled a bit more in their grip before huffing and slumping in a defeated heap. "I'm a girl..." she mumbled, pouting.
She sat down and sucked on her egg, mentally convincing herself.

Kurapika nodded and exhaled, relieved that he will not have to see something he wasn't ready to.
"We know you're a girl. He was just joking, (y/n)- sa--"
(y/n) cut him off. "It's (y/n). No honorifics, they make me want to puke." she snapped, making retching sounds to prove her point.
The Kurta hesitated. "Mm, alright," he said, taking in a deep breath.
Said person scoffed. "Yah, sounds better. Besides, we're friends, right?" she asked without thinking.
"Ah, I meant allies." (y/n) corrected, her hands flailing.
Kurapika looked at his hands, a small smile dawning his face. Chuckling, he murmured a reply. "Friends, allies... Either one is fine by me."
(y/n) raised an eyebrow.
"Okey... "
Kurapika's eyes widened. "What I meant is--"

She shook it off. "Yeah, yeah. I get'cha."

"You done, love birds?" Killua called at them.

(Y/n) smirked. "Just planning your murder, brat." she hollered back.
The assassin scoffed. "Bet you 1 million Jenny's you can't kill me!"
The girl smiled even more. She held up a fist, beckoning him to come. "Are you sure about that? Bring it on, Silva Jr. !"
At his father's name, Killua shuddered, narrowing his eyes. "How do you know so much about me?" he hissed in her face. The action reminded her of a cornered kitten.
"My past with killers is very broad... Perhaps I'll tell you one day." (y/n) whispered back, patting his shoulder before adding,
"You Zoldycks really need to find new friend making techniques."

Killua's cheeks dusted pink and he turned to hide it. "You still can't kill me!" he called over his shoulder as he strutted away.

(y/n) watched him leave, and heaved a ragged groan.
'Arrogant as ever. Surprise, surprise.' she mused.

Kurapika peered at this exchange curiously. "What do you mean when you say killers?" he questions, narrowing his eyes.

(y/n) grumbled. "When you have Hisoka as a friend, they're a bit hard to avoid," she answered. "Why?"
'Does he have a grudge against some killers? '

The Kurta's eyes darkened, and (y/n) was able to catch a flash of striking red. "I was just wondering," he muttered, his voice almost a growl.

The girl kept quiet. If her eyes didn't betray her, then she was in for a real twisted alliance.
'A Kurta... I thought they were dead? If so, he might be the last survivor or something of the sort... Ah, man.... I'll have to do something about that then... '


Killua finished his egg as he watched Gon give a failed participant his own Dream egg.
"Here, Todo-san. Would you like some? " the black haired boy said, handing the oval orb of delight into undeserving hands. The participant ate the egg and gasped in awe at the taste.

"It's good, isn't it?" Gon asked, and the man nodded in reply.
"It tastes amazing."
Menchi came over and grinned, watching as the man ate. "Now you've experienced the joy of finding something that tastes good. Gourmet hunters risk their lives for that joy, " she explained.
The man bowed his head in shame. "I was wrong about Gourmet Hunters." he began, "I will be back next year!"


'Whoosh, whoosh, the roaring of engines as they flew through the sky.'

"Allow me to introduce myself to the remaining 42 applicants of this year's Hunter Exam," Netero said, standing in front of the participants. They were on an airship, heading to the 3rd phase. And as much as (y/n) wanted to kill the old geezer right where he stood, she restrained herself and kept to the back. "I'm going to stick with you guys for a bit." she'd announced to an irritated Killua and a happy-go-lucky Gon.

"Why?" the albino had asked.
"Cos Hisoka's in a creepy mood." (y/n) had replied.
Leorio snorted. "Isn't he always?" he'd muttered.
(y/n) sweat dropped. "You haven't seen his worst." she'd ground, shuddering.

Perhaps that was what lead us to this now. A nice introduction from her favourite person.

"I'm the Chairman of the Hunter's Association, Issac Netero." He announced, a smug grin still playfully dancing on his lips. "I wasn't supposed to reveal myself until the final phase, but due to a few reasons, I am being introduced earlier than planned. On another note," Netero slid his arms from the sleeves of his clothes. "Congratulations on completing the 2nd phase! You may rest until we arrive at the 3rd site."

- - - - -

Helloooo! As you can see, I update completely and totally on a random note. Finally got the time to write this chapter :)

I also fixed the last chapter as I realized it had the title 'stuff' and was actually supposed to be a draft XD

Disclaimer: Hunter X Hunter does not belong to me. Neither do the characters (apart from (y/n)) or plot! All images belong to their rightful owners!

Thank you all for your amazing support, comments, votes and views!!

Have an awesome day! :D

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