It all starts here

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Reading the text over and over again, your hands began to tremble and it felt like the quiet that was so warm just a few minutes ago, now screamed right into your ear making you lose control over any thought you had.

Would you come over...Come over? Who in the world would ask me that in the middle of the night. Your heart was racing. It was excitement. Finally something.The song you were listening to was now over and the room got dead silent. Nothing but the sound of your heavy breathing.
You then moved to lay on your back, with the phone still in your arms.
It wasn't meant for me. Definitely not for me. Why would anyone even have my number.

You then once again turned to lay on your front.

What if it's a prank. Or maybe that cute guy from P.E. Wait no no that can't be. He doesn't even know who I am why would he.This is definitely a misunderstanding.

You didn't believe that. The idea that it's something new and exciting was still lingering at the end of your feet as the cold air entering your room didn't matter anymore.

But I should text something back right?  Your trembling fingers started writing :


I think you texted the wrong number.

Wait no...what if they just write that they didn't. If it's a prank I'm just feeding their ambition. How dare they humour themselves with me having no social life...ugh. ok.


Who is this?

sent 01:33

You feel yourself getting more and more nervous, twitching at any sound in the dark room, wishing the answer would come sooner. A few more minutes pass and your eyes start feeling dry from you just blankly staring at the screen. No message is coming up.

Of course it was just something stupid...but leave it up to me  make a huge deal out of it. 

You lazily get up from your bed, feeling pain in your arms from holding the phone for so long. After as silently as possibly opening the bedroom door, you go downstairs into your kitchen for a glass of water. Getting my hopes high really does make my throat dry. Figures. 

You take this moment to catch up with your thoughts. You slowly stroll over to the living room and plop onto your comfortable couch, which still faintly smelled like cola from that time you and your "used to be" best friend Jimin spilled it all over the room when having a dance party just the two of you. You smiled. What were you even thinking back then...You breathed that boy. Not moving a finger without him and wishing to always be beside him.  

Laying comfortably on the couch, you reach around your sweatpants' pockets for your phone. It's not here. You immediately jump from the warm embrace of the couch and trot up the stairs. Coming into the room your eyes start darting all over the room, not remembering where you saw the phone last. Finally you see it right at the edge of the bed and quickly jumping onto the bed, you snag it into your arms.

There it is. A new message.

You unlock your phone and without even realising that you're holding your breath, you read what the text is saying.


this is jimin. i need u pls come

sent 02:52

This leaves you dumbfounded. And with everything racing in your mind the only thing you manage to do is text back -


text me where you are. I will be right there.

sent  03:01

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