3.5 The past is just the past

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You couldn't believe your eyes. He was standing right there by your front door. Suddenly you felt uneasy. This reminded you of old times way too much.
You were not ready to forgive and forget but he was once again making you long for his attention.
The whole day at school all you were looking for was to see him...get a text from him. This made you angry.
And now he was calling you, standing there...all as if nothing had happened.
You answer his call and without even letting him speak, you blurt out

"I'm coming down in 5 minutes.
Just stay there. Don't move"

All you needed was your parents to see him too...that would be a show you weren't ready to see.
No matter how much you tried to not care, you still put on your favorite jeans and spent some time looking for the right blouse. Realising you're taking way too much time, thus probably making it look like you're getting ready for him, you angrily run downstairs and taking your slippers, you rush outside.
And here he stands. All perfect. No wonder all these years you have been so envious of the boy.
Ever since you two stopped talking, he started changing a lot, taking the title of one of the most gorgeous guys in the whole school. You agreed but still. The way he just threw you away like a used toy, when you had been inseparable all these years. No looks can accommodate to being an awful friend.

He welcomes you with a faint smile, making the left corner of his lips, where one of the biggest bruises took place, twitch.

"Hey shorty"

He says with his hands in his jeans' pockets and slowly turns his body to the way out of the house.
You take it as a sign to come with him.
You walk for a few minutes in a fatal silence. He didn't even come to the bistro even though he was the one who asked to meet. How typical. Probably how he treats everyone that's not up to his "level".


You exclaim while kicking a random rock on the road,

"why are you even here?"

Your awkward glance at him is met by his eyes piercing through your way.

"I'm not too sure myself"

He chuckles and takes his eyes off to look at the road ahead.

You walk like that for a few more minutes until you reach a point where the road ends and a park begins. You suddenly remember just how many memories you have of this place...of Jimin. Now it was all entangled in sorrow and betrayal you felt towards the old friend.

"You're cruel Jiminah"

You can't believe these words left your mouth. Your eyes doubled the size as you didn't even know what to follow that up with.

"Aish shortie the past is
the past. I know I messed
everything up. I know
that all too well."

There's a bench near where you are heading. Jimin points to it and you both sit down.
This feels nice. The summer is approaching, the weather is getting warmer too.

"I didn't leave because I wanted to. You know that right?"

"I know I know"
A silent sigh leaves your lips.
"Yet still I felt so alone this
big neighbourhood."

"After my dad decided for us
two to leave, I wanted nothing
more but to stay. He may have
wanted to forget mom but I
didn't. I felt robbed of so many

Jimin's sudden  heartwarming look right into your eyes makes you feel embarrassed. Here he is wholeheartedly apologising and just a few moments ago I was going off how much I hate him.
You shift your gaze away and tuck some hair strings behind your ear

"Why did you..."
You keep silent for a short moment.
"Why...why did you stop
talking to me back then.
You just bluntly ignored me."

You take a breath.

"You changed everything
about the sweet boy I once knew.
I felt so alone. I just wanted
you to come back."

You felt tears beginning to form
in your eyes. Yet you didn't want to
cry. This wasn't the time.

You finally get the courage to look at him only to see Jimin playing with his zipper. Almost as if he heard nothing of what you had just said. Am I the only one who cared about all this.

"I felt embarrassed.
In this neighborhood I became
that kid. I just wanted to stop
being me for a moment.
And I guess it grew into
a habit."

He was still avoiding your face. You knew how hard it must've been for him to come to you and say all these things. Jimin was never the one to open up too bluntly. Yet he used to always share everything with you.

"I know I'm way too late.
This being our senior year
and all. But I really did want to apologize."

Jimin suddenly stands up from the bench and looks at you.

"After that friday night...
I realised I had no one to
call. I didn't want my dad
to see me all beaten up. He
already lectures me about
these things every day.
And then I saw your old
number. Didn't know if
you had perhaps changed it.
I still gave it a try."

"And there I was"

You say standing up lazily off the bench.

"There you were"

He smiles at you one last time and says goodbye. You look at his back slowly fainting into the street as you just stand there still. I may have just gotten my friend back.
And so you head back the way to your home.

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