may i have this dance? - s. kōshi

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i don't know - seventeen

"good evening, prince sugawara!" the girls bowed at the silver-headed prince. he smiled sweetly as a reply and nodded.

as the girls walked passed him they whispered.

"i wonder who he's gonna dance with!"

"i hope he chooses me!"

frowning, you lowered your head. "theres no hope." you mumbled. "no hope in what, (f/n)-chan?" a sweet voice interrupted you.

"a-ah! prince sugawara! good evening!" you nervously bowed down to him, mentally slapping yourself.

"hey, didn't i tell you to call me koushi?" he pouted as you straightened yourself.

"o-oh! i-im sorry." you panicked. a chuckle left his lips as he ruffles your hair.

"you're so cute (f/n)-chan." he smiled. "thats not true though." you mumbled. "says who?" he asks.

"uh-" sighing, he cuts you off. "you're pretty no matter what, (f/n)-chan. i can tell you that a million times. now, stop saying that you're not!" he flicks your forehead and you nodded, a small smile forming in your lips.


"prince sugawara!" girls started surrounding the boy. sighing sadly, slow music started playing.

frowning once again, you decided to leave the room and went to a balcony.

"daydreaming in the midst of the night. you brush my thoughts and sweep my sleep away."

"(f/n)-chan!" a sudden voice interrupted the silence and ran to you. "there you are!" he embraced you and your (e/c) orbs widen in shock and confusion.

"p-prince kou? w-what're you doing here?" you asked. he pulled away and chuckled.

"i was looking for you, of course." he smiled sweetly.

"me? why me? you should be dancing with all the other girls.." you stated.

he then pouted. "why? am i not allowed to spend time with my (f/n)?" he asked, fake tears coming out of his eyes.

"eh?! no- i mean yes! well not really-" he hushed you by kissing g you softly in the lips.

your eyes widen but soon relax and kiss back. "p-prince k-kou.." you blushed. "just call me kou." he winked and pulled me by my waist.

"now, may i have this dance?" he asked. "of course." you smiled and he grinned.



anyways I started watching bungou start dogs and im sc REAMMINGGG


then theres suicide dazai im-

song - i don't know by seventeen

because of you - haikyuu oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now