Strai's Freak Out

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This is my fave chapter of JPNG EVER! Actually in any of my stories! I hope you like! 


V----V Vampireluver23


Chapter 18: Strai's Freak Out

Strai’s Pov.

                I hate Draco, I hate Draco. I HATE DRACO! This chanted over, and over in my head. You may be wondering, “What did he do this time?”

                Well, your answer is: he has been trying to break up me and James up! Or at least pulling the ‘over-protective father’ bit. Well you know what, dad? You lost that 5 years ago when you sent me away to the US! Feel like crap now?

                …And I am talking to myself…again.


                Well, anyway, he first started yelling at me, saying shit like, “You’re too young to date! And you can’t date a POTTER! You’re a RIDDLE!” oh and my favorite, “You’re father is probably rolling in his grave, being extremely disappointed in you!”

                My reply? “GOOD! I HOPE HE IS HAVING A SUCKISH TIME IN HELL!” After that I just walked away. And did he stop at that? NO! He had to start yelling at James.

                Draco said something like, “Stop dating her! She’s too good for you! You are standing between her and her destiny! You are keeping her from being evil!”

                And then James said something like, “I am saving her from being someone she ISN’T! You don’t seem to understand, that SHE DOESN’T WANNA BE EVIL! SO STOP BEING A DOUCHE BAG, AND GET OVER YOURSLEF!” (A/N lstonelli27came up with that last part.J)

                You think he’d stop at that? No, because he just loves to piss me off! He confronted HARRY. Yelling at him saying, “Your son needs to stop dating Strai or –“

                Harry had cut him off saying, “Or what? You’re going to tell your FATHER. Well, obviously you need a new one you can actually learn some parenting skills from!” he stormed off. And that leaves just Ginny.

                When Draco started to yell at her, she said, “Strai is practically my daughter now! I like her more than I like James! SO, if you wanna mess with my family, you mess with me! And you don’t wanna mess with ME!” With that she punched him in the face! It’s was official, Ginny is my hero. I laughed at how pissed James was that I was Ginny’s favorite and I wasn’t even hers! It’s proven now, I am amazing.

                So yeah. It was a pretty productive day. But, it wasn’t over yet. We were all gathered in the Room of Requirements (they FINALLY showed us where it was!) and we were all having a good time. “So, you actually think of me as a daughter?” I asked Ginny and Harry.

                “Of course! Lily and Albus think of you as a sister.” Ginny replied sweetly.

                And James had to add, “And if I thought of you as a sister that would just be awkward, for everyone.”  We all burst out laughing. “But, when we get married in a few years you really will be part of the family.”

                Of course I took that moment to take sip of my drink and I ended up with butterbeer coming out of my nose. I know attractive right? Of course, it was then that we all heard, “Well, well, well, isn’t this cute?” (A/N AVPM happy BlackSwan101?).

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