insane » luke hemmings

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insane » luke hemmings


| Vivienne Porter |

"Mommy!!" The young girl screamed , covering her ears. Loud shrieks cut through the air like a knife. Voices getting louder and louder as she rocked in a ball back and forth. Her small body racked in sobs as tears furiously streamed down her face.

"They're back! They're gonna get me! Hurry mommy!!" She screamed in terror.

"I'm coming!" The mother yelled out. She pushed and pulled on the shut door trying to make it budge. She pleaded invisible forces to open the door, tears falling down her apple shaped face. Cackling evil laughter could be heard in both the mother and daughter's ears. The small child's cries getting louder in each passing second. The mother feared for her child's life, these inanimate things trying to hurt her only kid.

After multiple tries to bust down the door, it finally swung open. There lying on the floor, the little girl sat curled up shaking back and forth covering her ears due to an unknown fear. She screamed out swatting at the air as if there was an invasion of flies trying to attack.

The mother ran to her little girl cradling her like a small baby. After all, she was only 5 and had to deal with such horrific things.

Shuffling sounds were heard going up the staircase. The young child whispered incoherent words, the only thing being clearly made out was, "They're gonna kill me.."
Within minutes, people had entered the small room rushing over to the mother and daughter. One man in a white coat pulled the frail crying girl out of her arms and took her to a chair in the corner of the room. Another man walked over to them and injected a small needle in the wailing girl's arm, the medicine soon entering her veins as it calmed her down. Her cries slowly drowned out into nothing as her body went into unconsciousness.

"What did you do to my baby?!" The mother cried out in fear that something terrible might have happened to her only daughter.

"Nothing miss, we only injected a sleeping medicine to calm her down from her panicking state ." The doctor said getting up with the child in his arms.

"Where are you taking her?" She asked fearful and already knowing of the answer.

"Hospital. We're sorry to say that your daughter will be taken into the Ernest Crow Mental Facility."
The mother's body dropped to the ground as sobs emitted from her short body. She knew it was going to happen. She was just terrified at how quickly it had to happen. The mother nodded, getting up slowly and exited the trashed, destroyed room.


I woke up gasping for breath. Sweat dripped down my forehead and my body felt hot. My eyes pricked with tears. That dream, or should I say flashback; has haunted me for my whole life. I brushed away any fallen tears and sighed.

All because of my stupid childhood, and my dumb brain I had started to see things when I was younger. They used to talk to me, and I was so convinced that they were going to hurt me. I told my mom of course, I had to go see a therapist weekly. And I was only like 6 years old!

On that one night, the voices in my head started to grow louder, the visions grew stronger. Every time I turned my head to see what made a sound I could physically see the spirit trying to contact me. I tried shaking all the bad thoughts away, like my mom always said. It never worked.

Now I'm stuck here in the creepy mental place. I never wanted to be here, all I wanted was a normal childhood. But of course, nothing ever goes my way. Everyone I knew as a child, or the people I've come to know here I had to push away. All bad things come to me, and its slowly destroying me from the inside out.

Maybe I am just insane.


Authors Note

Hope you guys enjoyed the first snippet/ prologue. :-)

sorry its so short! the other chappies will be longer i promise!

ily guys

-joline x

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