chapter two

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insane » luke hemmings

chapter two



The nurse; who I've come to realize her name is Nancy, led me to a table in the lounge where I reluctantly sat down at. She left the table and walked over by the door where all the security and nurses were stationed by.

I sat there for a moment just staring at the table before reaching forward and grabbing a stack a cards placed in the corner. I shuffled them together, and placed them on the table playing a simple game of solitaire to pass by time.

After a few minutes of playing, and achieving to almost finish placing all the matches together I heard a chair scrape across the floor. I looked up meeting a pair of familiar curious blue eyes. The boy from earlier today, who sat next to me on the couch was now staring intently at me. He gave me shy smile and looked at the table. I noticed he seemed to do that a lot . I looked back down at the cards, and quickly finished the deck before reshuffling them.

"Um, you wanna play a game?" I asked him gesturing towards the now shuffled cards in my hand. He nodded eagerly and scooted the chair closer to the small circle table we were seated at. "What game?" I asked setting the deck on the table. He thought for a second before replying, "Goldfish.". I let out a small laugh at his choice of game. He smiled and a quiet giggle escaped his pink lips. I set the cards out for the both of us and we started to play.

Playing for a while, I realized I didn't know his name. I cleared my throat causing him to peer up at me. "So.. what's your name?" I asked curiously looking at him through my black fringe that fell over my eyes. He looked down hesitantly before meeting his eyes with mine once again. "Luke." He said quietly. I flashed him a smile and replied, "Well its nice to meet you Luke. My name's Vivienne."

He grinned at me and we continued our childish game of 'Goldfish' , laughing every so often at the meer joy of the game and each other's presence.

A whistle was blown about an hour later, signally our recreational time has ended. Luke grabbed all the cards and placed them together into a pile on the table. He stood up next to me and we walked out of the lounge room, the nurses, security, and other patients following behind.

My nurse caught up with me, and grabbed my arm tugging me towards my ward. I sighed, following her as Luke was lead the opposite way. Before I fully turned the hallway corner, I whipped myself around and yelled out a goodbye to him, as he waved back. I turned back around and let my nurse lead me to my room.

Turning a few corners and walking down some halls we finally made it to my room. She unlocked the door, leading me into the room I've become so comfortable with basically my whole life. I walked into the room sitting on the small bed, watching Nancy leave and shut the door behind her. I brushed my long black hair to the side on my shoulder and l laid back, thinking about all that had happened today.

Well, I found out that I could leave soon, my mom had died and I had a panic attack and destroyed some things, and made a new friend. I sniffled at the thought of never seeing my mom again. Even though she didn't visit me often, I knew she still loved and cared for me even when I was considered being diagnosed with paranoia and clearly mentally unstable to everyone here. But she was always there for me when I was young, and knowing she never will be again scared me half to death.

A tear slid down my face, and I hastily wiped it away. If she was here today, I know she would want me to stay strong and not cry, which is one reason why she was one of my inspirations held deep in my lonesome heart.

I blinked my eyes closing them tightly, counting to ten. Whenever I felt like I was going to break down, I always did this to help push the feeling aside. It never failed to work, so I continued to do it my whole life. Opening my eyes I decided to fill my mind with better thoughts.

Luke. He was probably one of the only person here I got along with. Even though I only knew him for a day, I knew he would be a good friend. When you first speak to him, he seems really shy, but opens up after a while.

What I did notice about him, is that Luke seemed different to the other patients here. He seemed normal. All the people here have something that made them come here in the first place, but to me it was as if nothing bad caused Luke come here. I furrowed my eyebrows together knowing that it won't leave my head until I find out why he was recently placed here at Ernest Crow.

I closed my eyes, sudden tiredness washing over me. I rolled over on my side, chills running up my spine at the sudden cold that entered through the crack under the door. I shrugged the thin linen blanket over my petite body, trying to warm myself up. I breathed out a sigh of relief as a small sense of warmth emitted into my body.

Letting the quiet groans and talk of the patients fill the darkness, I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.


A door slamming caused my eyes to peel open. I sat up from the small bed seeing the nurse enter the room with a small smile on her face.

"Time to get up and go." She said waiting for me to get up from the bed and follow her. I yawned, sleepiness still in my body and followed her out of the confinement I am forced to call a room. We walked down the familiar halls I have passed through so many times. We soon reached our destination of the lounge room where mostly all patients spent free time at.

I walked over to the usual table I sat at, already seeing Luke there. He looked up, probably hearing me as I approached him. He grinned up at me as I sat down returning the smile. He reached over across the table to grab the deck of cards we played with yesterday. He raised a questionable eyebrow as if to say, "should we play?". I nodded my head, my black hair flying around my face.

He nodded curtly and started to shuffle the cards and place them around the table signaling a new game was to start. I reached for the cards he passed to me, before the door opened with a creak being the only sound heard as everyone silenced. I looked up seeing the Mistress, or owner, and a small brunette behind her. The mistress cleared her throat before speaking.

"Miss Porter, this young lady would like to speak to you." I scrunched up my eyebrows curious as to who she was. I glanced over at Luke, seeing him giving me an encouraging look to go talk to her. I sighed, pulling my body up and walking towards the lady who walked to an empty table. Following close behind, I sat in the seat across from her.

Staying quiet I fiddled with the small beaded bracelet on my wrist waiting for the women across from me to break the silence. She coughed abruptly causing my brown eyes to meet her light green ones. She gave me a small smile before speaking, "Hi Vivienne, I know you probably don't remember me but I am your aunt."


Authors Note

cLIFFHANGER but hiii how are you all? ps. so so sorry that this is so late i apologize from the bottom of my heart. love you all x


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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