Chapter 5 : A bad guy is back!

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Thanks to DennisMiller318 for the ideas he proposed me, it helped a lot! Oh, and go read his story : Justice Girl the beginning! It's really good!😀

Anyway, here goes chapter 5! Hope you enjoy💙


Kara's POV

I was laying down in the bed of the DEO, really really bored,  looking at the ceiling. I didn't know what to do as the doctors told me to stay there and relax for a bit. I was feeling much better, as I could now walk all alone, but I still see's really annoying. That's when I heard an alarm goes down, so as an habit, I got up and walked to the headquarters. As I walked in, I saw that every agents were on the verge.

"What's happening?" I ask an agent, as he walk past me

"Livewire is attacking the city!" He told me in a hurry and run away

'She is back...' I though 'I can't let her attack my city' I sternly told myself and walk back in my room where my suit was, on a chair, like it was waiting for me. I quickly put it on, even if I don't have my powers and check where she was located ' predictable...' I though and run outside of the DEO

Mon-El POV

I walk to Alex's lab, to see if she found something to help Kara, but I walked back to her room just to find an empty bed.

"Kara?" I say concerned and check around as my eyes fall on the chair where her suit was

"No...nonono..." I say as I quickly run out and head toward the HQ to see that agents were running everywhere

"What's going on?" I ask sternly to an agent

"That's funny, Supergirl asked me the same thing!" He say as I look at him with anger in my eyes

"Oh...euh-eum Livewire break away from her prison and is attacking the city" he say nervously and walk away

'Oh crap, Kara what are you doing?'I though to myself as I check the location of Livewire and run out of the DEO and head to Catco

Kara's POV

I run to Catco just to find Livewire sternly holding Cat by the neck in front of her building as she saw me

"No, Supergirl it's a trap!" Cat yeld before Livewire thrown her on the ground, putting uncounsious

"Supergirl! Finally! We were waiting for you!" She say with a big smile walking toward me, electricity running on her hand

"What do you want Livewire?" I ask, anger in my voice

"Oh! So fast in buisness! Well...I want you dead..." she say with an evil smirk as she throw electricity at me. I succeed to avoid it, but not enough as another wave hit me, pushing me on thr ground. I get up painfully off the ground as I see a bit blurry as another wave is coming to me, but blocked by somebody

'Mon-El' I though

Mon-El POV

I quickly jump on the roofs to arrive in front of Catco, seeing Kara being thrown on the ground by Livewire and getting up in pain. So, I quickly put myself infront of her as another wave is about to hit her.

"You're gonna have to kill me before!" I say angrily at her

"No, Mon-El, it's between her and me" Kara say slowly and put an hand on my shoulder

"I won't let her hurt you!" I say sternly turning my head toward Kara

"Aww! So cute couple! Supergirl and her hero!" Livewire say sarcastically

I quickly turn my head back to her and hit her really strong, throwing her on the ground pratically uncounsious

"Wow...that was strong!" She say, holding her jaw as she get up "but you'll have to do better" She say threatfully  throwing a wave of electricity to me

"I was practicing" I tell her with a smirk as I walk toward her and dodge her attack, hitting her harder, putting her uncounsious on the ground as the DEO van arrive and brought her away.

I turn around to see Kara also uncounsious on the ground so I run to her, but see there are citizen around

"Hey Supergirl! Don't do that to me okay! I'll bring you back to the DEO" I say concerned as she doesn't react and quickly run back into the DEO, laying her down on the med bed as doctors examine her

"She'll be okay, she just need some rest. She took a lot of electricity in her body and she doesn't have her powers so it's normal" the doctor say with a sympatize look and walk away

"You scared me Kara..." I say calmly as I sit down and take her hand

Kara's POV

I watch, concerned, as Mon-El hit Livewire, but my seeing quickly start to become blur and the last thing I know before the darkness is Livewire threw electricity at Mon-El and I don't know if he is alright

I quickly sat up, gasping for air

"Mon-El?" I ask concerned, looking around

"I'm here Kara, I'm here..." he say slowly,rubbing my hand with his

"Thank Rao...I though Livewire hurt you" I breath out, laying back down, looking at the ceiling

"She didn't...I'm here and I won't go anywhere..." he say comfortably and kiss my forehead "You know, you scared me Kara..." he say with a sad face

I smile widely, looking at him "I won't go anywhere either..." I whisper as I approach myself from him and kiss him softly on the lips. I then slowly lay back down and say playfully "It's really funny to see everything in green, Livewire was looking like she was sick" I chuckle and turn my head toward you "But you look really handsome" I say with a smile

Mon-El POV

I smile widely as she say that I look handsome.

"Well, I think you look beautiful too, Kara Zor-El" I whisper getting up and approch myself to kiss her on the lips. I then break the kiss and whisper "You should rest"

"Mmh...but I don't want to" she say as she quickly take my neck to kiss me again, but this time deeper. We slowly broke apart gasping for air

"Now, sleep little puppy" I say playfully as I walk away and hear her disagree which make me laugh

3rd person's POV

"You'll pay Kara Zor-El for what you did to me!" A person say in a warehouse preparing his/her plan "This is just the beginning..." he/she says angrily and laugh evily


Wow! More than 1000 words! You guys should be proud of me, because if you haven't guess, I'm very lazy! Haha! I should be call LazyKaraDanvers13, but I wouldn't want to copy Lazy_Helen XD

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter, comment your guesses for the bad guy in the end and I'll maybe tell you if you're right, just maybe, cause I'm lazy and I don't know if I'll be in thd mood Haha!

Also, sorry if there is mistakes, I didn't really check my text😀

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